Cichlids or Community Fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 31, 2014
Hey All

I have had a 30 gallon tank for about 6 months with community fish in it. I am cycling a new 110 gallon for either more community fish or as a cichlid tank. Any thoughts on community fish vs. cichlids. I also feel like I don't have enough rock work in the new tank for cichlids. Here are the small and newer tanks.


I am hardly objective here but I would go with cichlids.

Tropheus would be awesome in there.
You already have the community tank.
I would mix it up and go with cichlids for the new one.
Like previous poster, I am in no way objective. :)
Cichlids describes thousands of types of fish with all different requirements. Did you have a type of cichlid in mind? For example, I love central american and south american cichlids. I like some african cichlids like many Tanganykan cichlids but don't care much at all for Mbuna cichlids.

You also don't have to have just one or the other. You cna have cichlids in a community set up fish like Firemouth, Honduran Red Points, Rainbow Cichlids, Acara, they are all cichlids and all do well in community type set ups you just have to know what you are putting together.
Was thinking African from Lake Malawi, non-Mbuna variety.

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I guess, I am limited by what the pet store has unless I order online.

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I can do more research.

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an all male peacock tank looks awesome. They are less aggressive than mbuna and have better coloring imo. 110 is a perfect size for peacocks however haps get a little larger so you will have to research the specific hap.
I only ever have one large tank at any time (space restriction). When I have cichlids I would prefer a well planted community tank and visa-versa. If I had two tanks I would defo have one of each.

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