Decent 300 gph sump pump

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
Was looking at the MJ1200... Reasonably priced. Any thoughts and or recommendations? Do not mind spending a little more but would like to stay under $75 range...
Mag drive 3. Mags are awesome. I have a mag 18 on my 150 dans its still going strong an makes almost no noise at all. With a 3 noise wont be noticeable.
crister13 said:
Mag drive 3. Mags are awesome. I have a mag 18 on my 150 dans its still going strong an makes almost no noise at all. With a 3 noise wont be noticeable.

I hear mags are loud?? What about Eheim compact + 2000?
Benamayer said:
I hear mags are loud?? What about Eheim compact + 2000?

As you know I'm looking at them as well! I heard good things about the Eheim. They seem to be a lot more expensive than the mag drives. I did read that the mags put off a lot of heat. I would be curious to hear from others on that issue. I live in Texas and while I do run my AC, I would want to know if it will heat the water up considerably or are we talking about a degree or two? Not interested in purchasing a chiller because of my mag drive!
I have a mag 18 otp 3000 and 4 powerheads nada Marineland pump plus lights with no heater and the temp is ~78. House runs at 73 so the mag doesn't do that much.
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