Ebay is selling killi fish eggs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 6, 2011
This a good idea to order some. I am thinking about just don't know that much about them and comments? I would really appreciate it.
I don't know to much about the fish but I would some how make sure the eggs are fertilized.
do you know when their hatch date is? do some research... if i remember correctly they are shipped in peat moss and you soak the moss on their hatch date. still, please do some research before you buy them.
I am really not sure. I seen them online and thy looked really nice. I am reading on them now. But I know I will get real info here lol. Thanks for
The responses
I checked some of then out and it seems there're all shipping from asia or thiland. I wouldn't trust it.
This is not that unusual, they sell spawning mops with eggs and other things like this on AB as well. It's legit, the annual killies have a dry season so their eggs are basically adapted to stay incubated in the mud till the rains come again.

There's a lot of resources on the subject if you google around a bit, it's not something I've bothered to try, but might one day if I get really bored. :)
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