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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 4, 2003
Gainesville, FL
I moved my mollies out of my main tank a couple days ago because I feared that my new dogface puffer would kill them. I guess they were chowing down on copepods because I never saw the little bugs previously, and now I've got tons...
But I've also got tiny eggs(i think?) attached to the glass on tiny strands. I don't think they are copepod eggs, since they are each about the size of the adult copepods, anyone know what they are?
I don't have snails...
But that reminds me of another Q i had, what the heck can I keep with my puffer? He's already nipped the antennae off my hermits :(
By "what the heck" I mean which inverts, I could really use a few more detritivores. I'm afraid no crab or shrimp would be safe in there.
If not a snail, it could be a nudibranc or seaslug hitchiker that is yet "undiscovered". Are the eggs white or colored and is the eggs mass somewhat "frilly"?

As to the inverts, your dogface puffer will snack on any invert it can catch. Hermits are usually a bit fater and can retreat to avoid becoming dinner. As a general rule though, any mobile invert is not safe with a puffer.

theres no mass. they are each attached to the tank wall on a tiny strand. they are spaced with no obvious pattern, though there are patches with more of them than others. Maybe copepod eggs are big? maybe each "egg" is a egg-shaped group of smaller eggs? maybe they arent eggs!?
I haven't been out to my tank with a flashlight at night... so I don't know much about the nightlife in my tank.
Bummer about the inverts. Would a snail be quick enough to get back in its shell in time? Or are they out too? Brittle stars? I feel I need something cleaning my sand, that puffer is a pig!
btw, thanks to both for the quick responses!
I would say take the puffer out of the tank id you want your inverts to survive, my friendput his puffer in his tank and he only has one scarlet hermit crab left in his 125 gallon tank, it cleaned out his supply...
Peeley said:
theres no mass. they are each attached to the tank wall on a tiny strand. they are spaced with no obvious pattern, though there are patches with more of them than others. Maybe copepod eggs are big? maybe each "egg" is a egg-shaped group of smaller eggs? maybe they arent eggs!?
I haven't been out to my tank with a flashlight at night... so I don't know much about the nightlife in my tank.
May or may not be eggs but by the sounds of the description, they definately sound like it. A pic would be a big plus. Even though you might not have purchased any snails, most LR comes with at least some freebie's :wink:

Bummer about the inverts. Would a snail be quick enough to get back in its shell in time? Or are they out too? Brittle stars? I feel I need something cleaning my sand, that puffer is a pig!
btw, thanks to both for the quick responses!
Brittle stars would be "shredded" pretty quickly and with snails it's not a matter of speed or hiding. Once the puffer gets a grip on the shell it"crunch" time. 8O

How old is the tank? Most new tanks are not that great for sand sifting gobies, but one that I have found to do a good job of sand and accepts aquarium foods quite easily is the Dragon/Bar Goby.

Just do not mix it with wrasses or other aggressive bottom feeders.

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