Evans 40 Gallon Reef

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Hey guys! Picked up a galaxea coral today! It's huge, about softball size! I think my tank is almost maxed out on coral :( but it's looking great and fish are loving it!

I love my galaxea. When the sweepers come out its pretty cool. Keep it away from other coral though, its a hot one! Lets see some pics!
looking at that tank all I can say is your hired :)
been gone over a month and it just came alive now I'm bummed it looks better than mine
lost one of my tanks after a rock fell through the bottom
saved most of the fish and corals there in my breeder tank with my feeders
till I can get another tank
now I know why I put a egg crate bottom in my 40b
the tank I lost was my 37 gal TOTM I'm just so bummed
that tank was my best work but my 40 is coming along now since it's getting more attention
Learned a big lesson never hire a maintenance guy to work on tanks
oh it looked great but he liked moving rocks around and I think he left them just wobbling instead of setting them in place
well maybe I can get my 100 g tank now only thing medical bills are first
can't believe there more than the morgage on my house
Thanks for the kind words guys!! :) so I recently got some new stuff in the tank! I got a super nice gorgonian, and an Anenome and a sweet orange mushroom! Will take pics when things settle more! :)
15 mins later still waiting :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: tick tick tick tick yup the clock still ticks lol :lol::lol::lol: told you I was bored (y)(y)(y):lol: cool just seen 3 baby coral banded shrimp need to catch them so I can put them in a tank they can grow in and not be eaten :fish2:

I wish something would breed in my tank :(
there's lots of things breeding you just don't know it
look at your tank at night with a flash light that has a red lens you'll find things you never knew were there
that's how I found the clowns eggs hanging off the bottom of some rocks it's neat to discover new things
as your tank matures you'll find more and more new things growing and creatures you never knew existed
Thanks for the kind words guys!! :) so I recently got some new stuff in the tank! I got a super nice gorgonian, and an Anenome and a sweet orange mushroom! Will take pics when things settle more! :)

Cant wait to see them! I was thinking of getting a gorgonian.
Alright guys! (54seaweed) Heres some photos! Sorry for the algae on the glass!


Mangroves finally blooming

Frogspawn in its new location!

Funny picture of my fish haha! (hes winking)

FFTS (Full Full tank shot)
Looks really good! Def gonna gey a gorgonian. Still diggin that cool little angel.
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