Extremely high levels

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 7, 2012
West Sussex
As the title says, I have extremely high parameters. The nitrAte reads 5ppm, so that's okay. Nitrite reads 2-5ppm! And ammonia reads 8ppm. I brought the wrong product and ended up getting ammonia lock. So it detoxifies ammonia but doesn't get rid of it. I am doing 50-75% water changes daily for the last 2 days and results haven't changed apart from the fact that the Nitrite may of gone down to 2ppm. Any idea how ican get levels down? I'm desparate! I did a water change on thursday and added new sand. I forgot to clean the sand before adding... Would that be it? I've added six new plants to try and help with ammonia... I've added a bubbled to get more oxygen flowing, and another filter, bringing me up to 3 internal filters! There's only a few tetras, 2BNP and 2 cores in the tank so I don't know what it could be? I really need suggestions and fast. My apistogrammas are coming in a week or two
I am going through similar situation, so I subscribed to your thread. People told me despite many 50-60% water changes and clean tank, my water may be the culprit of continuing high nitrites. I am going to test my water today.
Aquena: I tested my water for ammonia,Nitrite and nitrate and found nothing
Are you sure no soap, chlorinated water, etc etc etc got in? For now just do lots of water changes.
Are you sure no soap, chlorinated water, etc etc etc got in? For now just do lots of water changes.

Nope, no soap, I'm the only one who puts anything in the tank. I always treat my water so it can't be that. Maybe I cleaned it too thoroughly
It will take a while for the BB to recolonize. Do you have any other tanks you could get seeded media from?
No I don't.. I only have a week and if these levels aren't sorted out I will lose my apisto's :(
So I should keep doing 50% water changes daily? I'm not feeding that much either
Yeah I wood. Can you get a hold of duckweed, hornwort, dwarf water lettuce, or anarcharis? Load you tank with those and they will help with ammonia and nitrates.
Nah I can't. I just added six new plants this weekend. I just don't see how this happened :( do you think this will solve itself in the space of a week and a half?
Not sure, I mean if all the BB got wiped out, then I think it would take longer. Just keep up on your water changes. Hopefully someone else chimes in with ideas...
Would it be a good idea to not touch anything for a few days and not do a water change?
No ideas? I really need to know what to do! Been looking up online but not getting many results
The other day you said your tap water had high nitrites? With ammonia and nitrite readings that high you can't just let it alone for a few days or the fish will suffer greatly. The ammo lock makes the ammonia less toxic to fish and Prime, which is what I would be using keeps nitrite levels less toxic when used daily. What is your ph? If you tanks ph is too low at 6.5 BB activity starts to slow and at 6 BB activity stops. So you might want to check that out. If your tap levels are good with no readable ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates then do a 50% WC, wait two hours, do another 50% WC, wait 24 hours and take a reading. If you continue getting high readings I would recheck your water supply.
Nope I made a mistake, I had two samples, one of tap water, and one of tank. I got them mixed up! Tap water has 0ppm

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