FresH2O's 20g planted rescape

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Sure did! 8 CPDs and 4 otos. Too soon to tell gender as they are too pale and too small. I put a very opaque background on the QT and it is pitch black when the lights are off. They will be in there for a week or two.
I've got to keep an eye on the golden tetras; they are huge compared to the CPDs and embers.

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With your CPD's do you find they hide almost ALL the time when they think you are going to watch them? I can peek around the corner and see them all over the tank and in the front. I walk into the room and all I see are green leaves of my plants, lol. (I have about 15 can not be sure since they try to be invisible and just 6 Cory Habrosus)
With your CPD's do you find they hide almost ALL the time when they think you are going to watch them? I can peek around the corner and see them all over the tank and in the front. I walk into the room and all I see are green leaves of my plants, lol. (I have about 15 can not be sure since they try to be invisible and just 6 Cory Habrosus)

Yes, exactly! When I feed them they do come out to eat and them off to the woods. I thought I was the only that peeked around the corner to spy on the tank. Perhaps I should build a duck blind in the room and camp out in there.
The fish in the QT are coloring up nicely.

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Update time!
Left side:
Right side:

This tank really needs a trim. 3 of the 4 new plants have taken off (Eichornia diversifolia, Pogostemon quadrifolius, and Rotala species Colorata). I've got the P. quadrifolius growing next the the P. erectus; similar growth, however, the latter has more leaves and a fuller appearance.
Limnophilia aromatica is too big for the front corner of the tank. If I can only get the downoi to flourish; it is growing but not as big as it did when I ran high light.
Last week i hacked down the Ludwigia species Red and Rotala macrandra and they have rebounded nicely. I think the switch from the 13w to 26w CFLs has made a difference. In the evening the water is full of micro bubbles; not from the CO2 but from the pearling. I need to replace the DC fluid because it seems to be stuck at a greenish yellow color.
Fish wise, the golden tetras appear to be behaving themselves. 4 otos and 7 CPDs are in QT for another week or so.

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Update time!
Left side:
Right side:

This tank really needs a trim. 3 of the 4 new plants have taken off (Eichornia diversifolia, Pogostemon quadrifolius, and Rotala species Colorata). I've got the P. quadrifolius growing next the the P. erectus; similar growth, however, the latter has more leaves and a fuller appearance.
Limnophilia aromatica is too big for the front corner of the tank. If I can only get the downoi to flourish; it is growing but not as big as it did when I ran high light.
Last week i hacked down the Ludwigia species Red and Rotala macrandra and they have rebounded nicely. I think the switch from the 13w to 26w CFLs has made a difference. In the evening the water is full of micro bubbles; not from the CO2 but from the pearling. I need to replace the DC fluid because it seems to be stuck at a greenish yellow color.
Fish wise, the golden tetras appear to be behaving themselves. 4 otos and 7 CPDs are in QT for another week or so.

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Looking good! Maybe your addition of more CPDs will help in bringing them out more.

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Looking good! Maybe your addition of more CPDs will help in bringing them out more.

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I hope so. Just checked the QT today and counted 5 of the 8 CPDs. Saw 3 of 4 otos (lots of places to hide though).
I'm about 4 days overdue for the weekly water change. Long weekend out of town, crazy work schedule. Not much time for the tank, hence the overgrowth.

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Fresh, I wish I had your problems. I've been out of town way too much this summer and I haven't had to cut anything back except the bacopa and move some blyxa. I've had corkscrew val in my tank for over a month now and haven't seen any new growth. The pogo from you has been sort of existing. Forget ground cover plants!

Tank looks really nice, even if it's a little overgrown. You've got a wet green thumb, sir.

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Fresh, I wish I had your problems. I've been out of town way too much this summer and I haven't had to cut anything back except the bacopa and move some blyxa. I've had corkscrew val in my tank for over a month now and haven't seen any new growth. The pogo from you has been sort of existing. Forget ground cover plants!

Tank looks really nice, even if it's a little overgrown. You've got a wet green thumb, sir.

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It took me over a year to master growing foreground plants (although they're not the totally difficult ones). You'll get it eventually. I found that flow is very important to them and pressurized CO2 is almost a must to get them to grow lush. Oh, and those good old photons are pretty important too haha.

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It took me over a year to master growing foreground plants (although they're not the totally difficult ones). You'll get it eventually. I found that flow is very important to them and pressurized CO2 is almost a must to get them to grow lush. Oh, and those good old photons are pretty important too haha.

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Star repens has been good so far. Downoi a bit more challenging. AR mini is tough (shrunken leaves, BBA) even with ferts and CO2.

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Chop-chop. Removed these from the tank.
Pogostemon erectus and Pogostemon quadrifolius
Rotala macrandra and Rotala species 'Colorata'
Eichornia diversifolia, Ludwigia species 'Red', and Bacopa caroliniana

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Short, short video [22 sec] of my tank pearling. Had the filter off for this so that the bubbles go straight up and not sideways. A bit more than usual since I trimmed yesterday (damaged tissue "leaks" oxygen). Ignore the BBA.
Same video but listed twice (was not sure which tag to use): [youtube][/YouTube]

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Dats alot of pearling... Man, i gotta step it up a lil.

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Dats alot of pearling... Man, i gotta step it up a lil.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

You've got the twins (the 24/7s, that is) so you should be set.
I was thinking about getting a 24/7 but I think I'm happy with this setup. The pair of 26w 6500k CFLs as supplemental lights have made a difference. Has not pearled like this since I ran the planted+ and the fugeray.
I like keeping the plants low; I feel like there is better flow in the tank. Fish seem lively this evening. More swimming, less hiding.
In the QT I see 4 otos; they are grazing on a slice of blanched zucchini. I counted 5 CPDs. They've all been in QT a week. Going to look them over closely this weekend. Perhaps an early release?

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