Getting REALLY discouraged!!

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Cichlid Stones I payed like 56 bucks for the 15 pack from foster and smith. And the only real plants I have are Anubias and I'll take some pictures. I get them from Petsmart. There 4" and 8".

And THANKS EVERYONE!!!!! :) :) :)
Well things are looking up. Got the fx5 in and running and while doing all that and taking the old filters out etc.. I found ANOTHER DEAD FISH!!! Someone shoot me!!! :(

It was a dither fish this time. A GD just floated by me. Can I catch a break maybe? Just maybe?! PLEASE?!?! :(

I'm being tested aren't I? This is a test to see if I'm a true fish hobbyist.
Convict2161 said:
Well things are looking up. Got the fx5 in and running and while doing all that and taking the old filters out etc.. I found ANOTHER DEAD FISH!!! Someone shoot me!!! :(

It was a dither fish this time. A GD just floated by me. Can I catch a break maybe? Just maybe?! PLEASE?!?! :(

I'm being tested aren't I? This is a test to see if I'm a true fish hobbyist.

You only just got them. Your bound to loose one or two. still sad though :(
Convict2161 said:
Well things are looking up. Got the fx5 in and running and while doing all that and taking the old filters out etc.. I found ANOTHER DEAD FISH!!! Someone shoot me!!! :(

It was a dither fish this time. A GD just floated by me. Can I catch a break maybe? Just maybe?! PLEASE?!?! :(

I'm being tested aren't I? This is a test to see if I'm a true fish hobbyist.

Oh geeezzzzzz...... Now what? :(
I'm getting REALLY upset here! It's like a high/low. I just got all excited that I got the fx5 I installed it got it going. Got those bad fish out and re did my tank, worked hard re doing it. Cleaned all around the tank made sure everything was in order and there's another floater!! Can I catch a break!! I feel like giving up! I do everything right!! Maybe I do too much? Maybe I should let the tank go a little? I don't know!! UGH!! I'm in as chief for another 2 years! This is good!!

Christmas is coming up and I'm happy about that. My sons first Xmas. But my fish tank I feel is cursed!!
Convict2161 said:
I'm getting REALLY upset here! It's like a high/low. I just got all excited that I got the fx5 I installed it got it going. Got those bad fish out and re did my tank, worked hard re doing it. Cleaned all around the tank made sure everything was in order and there's another floater!! Can I catch a break!! I feel like giving up! I do everything right!! Maybe I do too much? Maybe I should let the tank go a little? I don't know!! UGH!! I'm in as chief for another 2 years! This is good!!

Christmas is coming up and I'm happy about that. My sons first Xmas. But my fish tank I feel is cursed!!

It's not cursed!!! Fish die, it's life. You can't help that. They stress out when moved, they get sick and you can only do your best. Smile!!! Your tank is AMAZING! look how much you have achieved in the last few months!
Mumma.of.two said:
It's not cursed!!! Fish die, it's life. You can't help that. They stress out when moved, they get sick and you can only do your best. Smile!!! Your tank is AMAZING! look how much you have achieved in the last few months!

Yep. She's got a point. Maybe this is all supposed to teach you to relax and enjoy despite the inevitable. The here and now is all we have. And despite your doing everything right, nature is still in control. Sorry if I'm getting too philosophical.
Well if you want answers to why the fish died i agree it had to e stressed while being introduced to a hostile enviroment (even though it is no longer as hostile because you got out the bbs)

I also think that while moving the decor and plants to get the two fish caught you might have stirred up the gravel or something and kicked up some bad chemicals. Have you tested your water?? Im sure you have... Lol. If it makes you feel any better i found one of my hatchet fish that is VERY skinny.... He might die and i have been trying to feed him. I didnt realize that he wasnt getting the food because all of my oter fish are too fast. Dont worry
Mumma.of.two said:
It's not cursed!!! Fish die, it's life. You can't help that. They stress out when moved, they get sick and you can only do your best. Smile!!! Your tank is AMAZING! look how much you have achieved in the last few months!

Thanks Mumma!! I'm just except what comes and enjoy my tank in the meantime. I have a killer tank and now a killer filtration system :)

Thanks again!!

Hholly said:
Yep. She's got a point. Maybe this is all supposed to teach you to relax and enjoy despite the inevitable. The here and now is all we have. And despite your doing everything right, nature is still in control. Sorry if I'm getting to philosophical.

Don't be sorry Holly your right also. I'm just relax and enjoy everything! Your right it's nature, fish will die. I do what I can to keep them healthy an that's all I can do. I can't control nature. So calm I shall be. :)

Thanks ladies. If I could I'd buy you both a drink or maybe some eggnog! :)
trust me convict, this stuff happens.. i used to get all depressed when i lost ANYONE but i soon realized that it just happens sometimes.. stress, bad fish combos, spikes in ammonia.. ANYTHING can happen and usually will when you first start.. i think youre still doing good for only losing 3-4 fish out of all the ones you have..

my opinion, keep an eye out for bullies (as best you can) & check your levels like crazy, especially after finding a dead fish.. perfect parameters is key!!

good luck homie!! keep us posted :)
ronnieroach said:
trust me convict, this stuff happens.. i used to get all depressed when i lost ANYONE but i soon realized that it just happens sometimes.. stress, bad fish combos, spikes in ammonia.. ANYTHING can happen and usually will when you first start.. i think youre still doing good for only losing 3-4 fish out of all the ones you have..

my opinion, keep an eye out for bullies (as best you can) & check your levels like crazy, especially after finding a dead fish.. perfect parameters is key!!

good luck homie!! keep us posted :)

Will do man and thanks.
The fish that keep getting stuck to the filter are probably too small for that filter, I had the sane problem with that, I used a clear water bottle and put it around the filter and cover it with something so the fish don't get stuck in, my eel did it almost didn't turn out too well, but after they grow a little the filter problem should be fixed and if it is an aggression issue rearrange the tank and they will have to regain all their Territory so that will help with that....
he's already rearanged just yesterday,. took everything out & put it all back in a different place. I agreed with the filter but i'd just put a sponge over the intake. I forgot how big your fish are man.
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