GLA 6g Rimless 36-L - My First Iwagumi Inspired Scape Journal

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I like the new scape alot and the darker pink offsets the lighter pink next to it. Can't wait to see pic's once it fills in some.
Thank you everyone! I appreciate your comments and feedback :)

Soon I'll have 3 crowns of downoi. The big one is developing a side shoot :)

Can't wait till my flame moss starts growing vertically with its signature "flame" look.
Thank you everyone! I appreciate your comments and feedback :)

Soon I'll have 3 crowns of downoi. The big one is developing a side shoot :)

Can't wait till my flame moss starts growing vertically with its signature "flame" look.

Well I've learned something new about Downoi and thought I'd share it. Remember I said my angels have gone on a mission to eat all the leaves off the tops of the Downoi? Well I noticed they are actually starting to grow back. I never thought that would or could happen. They seem more resiliant than I thought. So I may not have to pull them out after all... yeah! If Downoi are happy they throw out side shoots like crazy and if you leave them attached they will actually form large clumps.
Well I've learned something new about Downoi and thought I'd share it. Remember I said my angels have gone on a mission to eat all the leaves off the tops of the Downoi? Well I noticed they are actually starting to grow back. I never thought that would or could happen. They seem more resiliant than I thought. So I may not have to pull them out after all... yeah! If Downoi are happy they throw out side shoots like crazy and if you leave them attached they will actually form large clumps.

One of these days I may wanna purchase some Downoi from you :)

And some Flame Moss from you Brian :)

All for this new tank I'm doing.
I'll have some come spring as I am going to cut down the width of the Downoi to about 3 inches. On the right side of the tank it's about 5 or more inches wide and about 18 inches long. You don't need much to start as it will spread quite well when happy. I'm going to get some Blyxa Japonica come spring when temps warm up. Now I can see how Brian's does in the mean time!
@Adam - Well I cut a bunch of the Flame Moss off already. It's just sitting in a breeder box. I just picked up a bunch of small priority mail boxes... so I'm ready to ship if weather permits in your area. Right now in AZ, it's not that cold anymore. I'll be posting this stuff soon in the buy/sell forums.. I think this stuff will go fast.

@Rivercats - I wonder if it's best to leave that Downoi baby shoot on the mother plant or remove it when it gets larger? You got me wondering now with this clump thing. My tank is quite small so I'm not sure. As for the B. Japonica, if that propagates, I'll have to remove them and put them in my 26g I guess. This tank is limited on space so if anything, it will just be a bush on the left side. :)

@Anyone - speaking of which, what's the best way to package aquatic mosses for shipping? Is it just in a zip lock with a damp paper towel? LOL... thanks!
The couple times I bought mosses they came in small zip locks with a bit of water. I don't see why a fairly damp paper towel with moss in it then put in a zip lock wouldn't work.

I like the way the Downoi makes clumps and you can always cut pieces off if it gets too big.
@Adam - Well I cut a bunch of the Flame Moss off already. It's just sitting in a breeder box. I just picked up a bunch of small priority mail boxes... so I'm ready to ship if weather permits in your area. Right now in AZ, it's not that cold anymore. I'll be posting this stuff soon in the buy/sell forums.. I think this stuff will go fast.

@Rivercats - I wonder it's best to leave that Downoi baby shoot on the mother plant or remove it when it gets larger? You got me wondering now with this clump thing. My tank is quite small so I'm not sure. As for the B. Japonica, if that propagates, I'll have to remove them I put them in my 26g I guess. This tank is limited on space so if anything, it will just be a bush on the left side. :)

@Anyone - speaking of which, what's the best way to package aquatic mosses for shipping? Is it just in a zip lock with a damp paper towel? LOL... thanks!

Yeah I'm over here in Georgia where even at night it's still 45 or above. So I'd be game of you're ready to sell!

When I received my Fontanus Fossidens, it came in a bag with some water. Zip lock with damp paper towel should work too though.

@Rivercats: you just let me know when that time comes and I'll be all over that!
Brian or Adam have either of you ever grown cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae? I'm looking for a couple accent plants but don't want one that has leaves so long they grow and lay on the water surface. Any other suggestions? I want something tall which thinner leaves that would compliment being put next to but slightly back further from a large Amazon Sword.
Brian or Adam have either of you ever grown cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae? I'm looking for a couple accent plants but don't want one that has leaves so long they grow and lay on the water surface. Any other suggestions? I want something tall which thinner leaves that would compliment being put next to but slightly back further from a large Amazon Sword.

I actually have some Crispatula in my 29g right now! It hasn't gotten tall enough yet to lay on the water surface, one blessing it has from being a Crypt is the relatively slow growth. I have heard that it does fine with leave trimming it you worried about it getting too tall for the 220g, but again, I haven't had to do that yet so I can't personally say they deal with it.

Sadly, at the moment I can't think of a replacement plant for it! Any Val species, although with the liquid carbon you put in, they have a tendency to melt. There are other tall Crypts like Spiralis that could work, but I'm sure you'd run into the same thing that Crispatula has.
I already have a large patch of Corkscrew Val which has never melted even using the high dosage of liquid carbon. I hate when I want something to fill a spot and just can't come up with a good plant... grrr!
I already have a large patch of Corkscrew Val which has never melted even using the high dosage of liquid carbon. I hate when I want something to fill a spot and just can't come up with a good plant... grrr!

That's just the worst! Haha

Hmmmm maybe it's just my Jungle Val that melts then haha. Their tips seemed to disappear the day after I started adding Excel.

I still think you should give Crispatula a shot. From what I read, it does fine with trimming of its tips. And the nice wavy leaves it had just can't be beat! :)
Brian or Adam have either of you ever grown cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae? I'm looking for a couple accent plants but don't want one that has leaves so long they grow and lay on the water surface. Any other suggestions? I want something tall which thinner leaves that would compliment being put next to but slightly back further from a large Amazon Sword.

I've been using Hygrophila corymbosa 'angustifolia' in two of my tanks to great effect. It can get pretty tall by not as crazy as Val. I also think Cyperus Helferi is cool too. My H. Angustifolia is easy to propagate if you need some?
Or you looking for a traditional looking plant, or something more whackadoodle?

I'm totally open to suggestions. It just has to grow tall so the stong presence of the amazon sword doesn't overpower the new plant distracting from it. So whackadoodle might be good. I just need some options so I can study the area and put something interesting there. It's the area to the right of the middle group of Macrandra and next to the amazon sword. Something verticle I think would look best.
I've been using Hygrophila corymbosa 'angustifolia' in two of my tanks to great effect. It can get pretty tall by not as crazy as Val. I also think Cyperus Helferi is cool too. My H. Angustifolia is easy to propagate if you need some?

I'll let you know as I only have Narrow leaf temple and that wouldn't work. Also was thinking about Giant Hair Grass and did look at the Cyperus Helferi. Had one a few years back and it got crazy big so not sure I have room in that spot.

Pred I am serious considering trying the Crispatula a shot just because I like the leaf texture/shape so much. I am just so limited now even with some rearranging.
Crinium are, in my opinion, underused as a genus. Crinium calamistratum is a particularly unique looking species.
Wow.. that Crinium calamistratum looks pretty gnarley! Looks like a mutated downoi with its crinkly leaves and all. Interesting plant.. almost alien like.
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