GLA 6g Rimless 36-L - My First Iwagumi Inspired Scape Journal

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Mini Update -- Just two things!

1.) I think I'm going to ditch the Alternanthera reineckii in the back right corner as I feel the leaves are too large and take away from the microcosm feel of this tank. I'll probably just go with a bunch of Ludwigia sp. Red there instead. We'll see... a little rearranging to come.

2.) I have 5 berried Tangerine Tigers and 1 of the 5 just hatched her eggs! My GF managed to capture a baby sitting on the filter guard with her camera. :dance:
New baby shrimp pic... caught with a macro lens. You can see how small it is compared to that dwarf baby tear leaf in the picture :)
New baby shrimp pic... caught with a macro lens. You can see how small it is compared to that dwarf baby tear leaf in the picture :)

Wow your getting to be quite the photographer! Too bad you live so far away since I could use your skills!
Some NEW developments:

Well, we have a new resident in our household that arrived today, it's the ADA-60F. It's officially my GF's tank since she's now drawn in to aquascaping thanks (in part) to me :dance:. So for the interest of 'trying' to minimize the cost of a new build, I'm going to move some of my equipment to this new build of hers. So my lily pipes, fluval 106, and pressurized system is going to it (yes, I'm a good BF:flowers:). Secondly, we got a new 18" Ray 2 (I now have a 16", 18", and 24" version...LOL).

While my GF plans her build with the hardscape and researching what flora she wants, I'm going to use the 18" Ray 2 with my 26g's 24" Ray 2. For those of you following my 26g build, you know I've been having issues getting plants to color-up -- I'm going to experiment with light intensity with LED's on the Ray 2. First, I'm going to test and increase the phosphates (along with the Iron) to see if any changes in color occurs with the single 24" Ray 2. Then, I'll proceed to add the second Ray 2 (18") to see what happens in a taller tank. I'll probably start a new thread and then write a review of my findings so that it may benefit others considering to go all LED in a taller tank application. So I'll most likely need help on this one to get things dialed in correctly.

As for the future of this GLA 36-L here... It's going to stay the pace (for now) but I'm going to move the shrimp to the ADA 60-F when it's ready. Then I'm going to keep this tank going in a "budget" friendly fashion of using a good-ol' trusty AC 20 for filtration and a DIY co2 injection. Not sure about livestock, possibly nano fish. I am contemplating on a re-scape, still not sure.

Here's the tank that's stealing my thunder BTW! haha.... I'll be just an adviser to this build so my GF might join AA and/or TPT to start that thread. But it's going to sit across the room from my beloved GLA 6g.

Well it depends on my GF. If she joins AA or TPT to start it. If she doesn't start it here, I'll start it for her since I'll be helping her anyways.

The GLA will continue on its present scape. I'm just not going to do shrimp in it because i don't want to nuke them with DIY co2. I'll be using that AC20 i picked up to keep things clean. I might do a total tear down and re-scape in the near future.
Yes... That is until i save more money for another can/lily pipe combo and co2 system. Or not, if i remain content with the downgrade in the GLA.
I also ordered this china knock-off of the Do!Aqua music note diffuser to be used on the 60-F. This was my first time gambling from ordering overseas... we'll see how it is. But IMO, the Do!Aqua version of this is a piece of diffuser art in itself... I'm hoping this is just as good at a fraction of the price.

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