
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 17, 2023
I'm krae and just joined. I first took up fishkeeping as a kid, picked up again in my 20's/early 30s, then moved on again. My daughter got interested in fish as a middle schooler and when she moved on, I didn't. I have 6 tanks now: 2 55g, 2 40g, 30g and a 20 long. I've been reading posts on this place for a long time. Hello:)
In a 55g I have mostly tetras and catfish, from Asian stone catfish to corys to banjos, with gold tetras, cardinals, pencil fish and a very zen Betta. It's overstocked but years old, planted and nicely balanced. Another 55 with black angels, pearl gouramis and cuckoo catfish. A 40 with an upside down cat, rainbow shark and a few rainbows and redline barbs. A 40 breeder with the candy canes and emperors, a 30 with yellow live-bearers and a mustard spot pleco and lots of fun snails like yellow spotted rabbits, and finally a 20 long with endlers and small tetras like gold ring danios and Cory habrosus with 3 magenta snails��

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