HeLP! Can't get my ammonia to go down :(

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 1, 2004

This is a new tank (about 2 weeks old). I have 6 neons and 1 catfishy in a 55gal tank. I have been doing 25% water changes every 2 days since the ammonia went up 5 days ago but the ammonia still isn't going down? I have also been adding ammo lock. I am not over feeding and there are no dead fish in my tank..
What's the deal? Can someone tell me what to do please?
Any and all help is always appreciated..
PS- I have a bacaterial bloom a few days ago and now the tank is crystal clear.

Thank you,
:D Don't worry Richie, this is normal when cycling with fish. It usually takes several weeks for the cycle to complete. Keep up the water changes. You're doing a good job.
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