I don't have too many fish do I?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 6, 2006
McKinney, TX
Sig has plants, etc.

30 gallon-
1 Red Tailed Shark (will move this in 4 months)
1 Dwarf Fire Gourami
2 Bolivian Rams
2 Silver Mollies
4 Spotted Cories
8 Neon Tetras
20-30 Cherry Shrimp (Makes it impossible to get algae or overfeed this tank :D)
2 Olive Nerite Snails

I know the snails and shrimp have little to no bio-load (and the shrimp IMO, almost increase the bioload keeping it clean) And I am also a planted tank w/ 25% water changes weekly w/ prime and ferts. Without including the RTS, is my gourami, rams, mollies, cories, and tetras too much?
And even if the RTS stayed in there, would it be too much?

I am thrilled with the tank. Even with 18 fish, and another 3 dozen inverts, there are always perfect parameters.... every fish has a purpose, no nipping, and it is a pretty active tank (even the gourami is an active swimmer! The tetras move the least :D)

Thanks in advance. The tank is mainly juvies/adolescents... Only mollies and 2 cories are full grown.

The tank population is properly balanced, occupying all possible territory areas with the proper fish. In other words, top feeders, middle feeders and bottom feeders, instead of over occupying one area over another. The RTS cannot stay int here to maintain a peaceful tank later when he grows.

If your fish have to fight for territory all the time and if ammonia is always lingering in the water with high nitrate, then you have too many fish. It all depends on the type of fish, their adult size and where they occupy a tank, available territory, and bio space.
The tank is mainly juvies/adolescents...
I feel into this trap and have seen other members rave about their tanks, but once all the fish are adults, problems may arise. Something to keep in the back of your mind.

I know the snails and shrimp have little to no bio-load (and the shrimp IMO, almost increase the bioload keeping it clean)
Although it is true that 3 dozen inverts produce less waste than 3 dozen fish, never discount them. It's great that the water parameters are on target and it sounds like your tank maintenance is going smoothly. Once all the fish are adult size, keep in mind waste productions increase and your tank will be full. The RTS definitely needs a new home.
Menagerie said:
The RTS definitely needs a new home.

Thanks for the info. :)

He will be getting his new home in August.... so he just has to hang for about 4 months before I move to my new house.... don't feel like setting up a 100 gallon just to move it 4 mos. later :D

The tricky thing is finding the right cichlids to get along w/ him ;) That will be fun fun fun.
Less aggressive medium sized cichlids would do OK. Keyhole cichlids, blue acaras, firemouths, jurupari, Bolivian rams, etc. They just need a roomy tank to satisfy their territorial needs considering they can reach about 6" to 7".
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