Is this normal behavior for African cichlids?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 6, 2006
After having cycled my 55 gallon tank, I went out and bought two yellow labs for the tank. I gradually acclimated them to the tank's water over the course of a half hour, then put them in the tank. Now that I've put them in, they seem to want to get out of the tank. They're swimming up and down the sides of the tank, as if trying to find a way out. Is this normal behavior for new cichlids? I have the tank furnished with rocks and everything, and the ammonia and nitrites are at zero, and the nitrates are also low. Are the fish just getting used to the tank, or should I be worried?
they're slightly stressed from the move. so its pretty normal behevior. however, the labs would be better off in a bigger school...
Thank you for the advice, now I feel a little less stressed myself :) I only added two yellow labs because I did not want to put a large bioload on the tank. Maybe I should add another one tomorrow.
Add a few more of the labs and they will be fine. :) Do you have any idea what you are going to stock with them?
I don't know yet what fish I'm going to put in with the yellow labs, but I've heard that electric blue johanni could be compatible.
Johanni's are pretty aggressive. Have you looked at maybe Acei's? They are gorgeous and peaceful.
i like the fiesty ones!
on a more serious note, you won't have problems if you add a male to 2-3-4 females. 2 males in a 55g would involve a lot of chasing, and a submissive male. anyways, the problem is that their females are yellow, so that would clash with the labs...(now i'll back off, and choose the fishies :))
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