major hair algae problem help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 12, 2014
My tank has a major green hair algae problem. It is growing on the plants, rocks and filter. This tank has been running for a year now. I do regular 2 week water changes. Nitrates, Nitrates, ph, temp have all been stable for about 9-10 months. Dont know why I got algae now but it is rampant. Every 3rd day I dose api carbon boost and every 2 weeks I dose api leaf zone. I have a finnex planted plus on the tank. It is a 20 gallon tall. I now these are low doses but slows my plants down for less trimming and they look just as healthy. The tank has assorted small tetras, corys and otos. There is also green algae on the walls. 6-8 hours of light a day is all I do. Should i get a couple small baby plecostimus to clear it up and move them to a larger tank later or is there another solution.
Your light is your problem. I had that same light on the same tank once, but I dosed dry fertilizer so the plants had all the ferts they needed and ran pressurized co2. And still got algae.

You need to either raise your light or switch to a lower power one.
Maybe split your light schedule with a couple of hours break in the middle.

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You should not be limiting plant growth by carbon or ferts. This is what leads to algae growth...

Limiting light to slow growth is the answer.

Also going to a large water change weekly also helps to remove any organics in the water that help feed algae. I know for some this is a chore but imo water changes are the easiest tool against algae

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No the light has not changed for about 8 months. So i guess what im hearing is that I should do as I am but cut my light time back. Ill start cutting light back immediately. Next water change ill scrub the walls best I can and maybe pull some of the plants that are totally overun by the hair algae. I did purchase 2 little rubber lip plecos to see if they help. Once they get bigger ill move them to a larger tank. This tank should be a buffet to them
As far as the light goes. Is there a good way to dim it. The light only turns off/on. But what about filtering it with a piece of tinted glass/plastic. Any suggestions. What about car window tint on my glass lid?
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