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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 24, 2003
I was feeding my goldfish the other day and i was done with their flakes. I dropped in two wafers for bottom feeders and my tadpoll and on the way down one of my fishes were trying to suck it in. It was crazy, it was about the size of trying to fit your fdist in your mouth. Put anyway the fish managed to get the wafer lodged in his mouth sideways. I thought it was funny at first, put then i realized it was actaully stuck there. my fish couldn't close his mouth. i was breathless i sat there watching this fish with his mouth pryed open for about 10 mins. i didn't know what to do. i just looked at him. Amazingly after like 12 mins, the fish got the waferdown his throat. but the point is, DO FISH REALLY NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR THEM?? becuase i would think after it getting stuck my fish would try to spit it out and ignore it, but man, he just swallowed it. :?
I have gold fish too, and find them to be especially, ummmmm,,, stupid!

Dont get me wrong I like 'em a lot, but they ain't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

I watched one of mine pick up a piece of gravel and get it stuck in his mouth, much like you said. took him 15 minutes to spit it out. (of course after i chased him around the tank with the net trying to save him from his own dumbness).
LOL aaawwww poor goldfish!!!

I had goldfish when I was younger and never experienced anything like that.

I guess I was lucky or my goldfish were not as dumb as yours..... sorry LOL :clown: Just Kidding
What you might try in the future is to get a piece of uplift tubing for an undergravel filter from the LFS. It'll be about 5/8"-3/4" in diameter. Stick this in the tank and drop the wafers in it. They'll sink to the bottom and the goldfish won't be able to get to them on the way down. I use this method to feed frozen bloodworms to my corys...keeps the rainbows from eating them all.
Logan J
I've watched my cardinal tetras gorge themselves on bloodworm until you'd think they would explode. They never do though, thank goodness. :lol:
Why do some fish (especially goldfish) always "eat gravel."? I thought at first maybie they were getting air bubbles or eating old food/poop/other nutrients, or should I say edible things.
Why do some fish (especially goldfish) always "eat gravel."?

Ive wondered this myself. My one theory is they are going after micro-organisms that live on the surface of the gravel. My other theory is they are dumber than a box of hammers. :p
Correct on both counts. Feeding and pretty stupid. The best way to fight this problem is to use very large gravel.
Logan J
You have to be careful about going too large with the gravel. I have some fairly large goldfish that have suffocated when they get the gravel stuck in their mouth. I usually net them and pull it out with blunt tweezers, but when I'm at work, I can't check them. I've lost 3 from suffocation. I find them at the bottom with a piece of gravel lodged in their mouth.
yeah Logan is very right, when I had goldfish they would try to eat everything... even the freakin' thermometer... you'd be surprise what they go for... :roll:
I have an adult male auratus, and a sub-adult male Demasoni in a 55g tank together - (holy crap you say?!) - no, they are seperated by one of those clear plastic with holes tank dividers (awaiting the completed cycle of a new 125g tank)..

anyway - these two are constantly going at each other -through the fence.. you'd think they'd figure out that they can't get to each other, but nooo, they just keep trying to bite each other, shaking and ramming the plastic... it's pretty funny actually.. it's not hurting either of them, but you'd think they'd learn..
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