My 20G Planted Tank

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callisto9 said:
That is a crypt. It melted completely when I put it in the tank. All that you're seeing is completely new growth.

Really, it looks like bacopa. (Sorry, I so can't spell bacopa)
callisto9 said:
Oh, from the first set of pics from today. Yes, that is indeed bacopa. You are correct. I think you spelled it right, too!

No wait, it's ludwigia repens.

This plant, right?

Oh! The second set of pics didn't load at first in my iPod. Yeah, you're totally right about the crypts and ludwigia (need more sleep this week!). I just tossed a ton of crypts out to make room for some Brazilian Pennywort that I HAD to order after seeing your killer aquascape! I'm getting so much inspiration from your pictures.
I love the brazilian pennywort! I thought about getting those little clear suction cups for plastis tubing and "attaching" some pennywort in a neat pattern at the base of the tank. We'll see... I really like it as a floating plant though.

You could have sold your crypts on here!

I got some Seachem Flourish comprehensive today. I'm trying to figure out how to dose it for a 20G tank...

I'm so flattered you're inspired by my tank. :oops: I got some anachris today that I'll be planting this weekend.
You could add about 1/2ml every day or every other day and see how that works to start. That's about how I did it when I used comprehensive.
You don't have to dose it daily, its primarily a micromix so it's not like excel which only lasts for a 24 hour period. Just follow the directions on the bottle, it doesn't have to be exact, and if you notice any slowed or issues with new growth then try upping the dosing regimen.
You don't have to dose it daily, its primarily a micromix so it's not like excel which only lasts for a 24 hour period. Just follow the directions on the bottle, it doesn't have to be exact, and if you notice any slowed or issues with new growth then try upping the dosing regimen.

OK, thanks. I did read the dosing instructions, but they just seem so vague; "each thread line is about 1ml" and one ml would cover 15G and I have a 20G, so... I'll dose 1ml just to be safe.

Do I just dump it in or add to replacement water when I do a water change?
The directions are vague because it's not really an exact science (tons of factors determine how much you'd actually "need", like source water contents, substrate material, and plant density), so guesstimating it is fine. I just dump ferts straight in.
jetajockey said:
You don't have to dose it daily, its primarily a micromix so it's not like excel which only lasts for a 24 hour period. Just follow the directions on the bottle, it doesn't have to be exact, and if you notice any slowed or issues with new growth then try upping the dosing regimen.

Very true. I just used to dose 1/2ml every other day unless my plants showed signs of needing more. I was just telling her the method I used on my 20. It wasn't much better than the weekly dose + "as needed".
Tested parameters last night and all is well. :D 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 10 nitrates.

Did a 3 gallon water change today. Dosed 1ml of Flourish Comprehensive. Gave 'em a little food. Planted my anacharis, moved some ludwigia. Did a little trimming and replanting.

I am finally starting to really enjoy this...after my poopy start into the hobby. :popcorn:

It's hard to believe I started this hobby in mid-August.

This was my first tank (4 gallon Marineland):

As soon as my friend told me about planted tanks, I got hooked immediately.

This was my 2nd tank (September-ish), a 6.6 gallon from Petco:
No kidding! I sold the first tank and the 2nd tank is now my quarantine/hospital tank. I swear, I only want to maintain one tank!
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