My 55 gallon fresh community tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 5, 2017
Holland, Ma.
As I'm getting older I find myself spreading out more spiritually so my tankIMG_1523.jpg is filled with Buddha. I have hiding places for my fish with little caves and other decorations. I have some plants such as mini anubias bateri and some African ferns. Right now I don't have anything too crazy going on with my tank as I have had to simplify my tank due to having kids and not much time to keep up with a planted tank and fool around with Co2 diffusers and all that. Simple is good.... right lol. I have red eye tetras, Xhiphophorus platies, neons, green Cory, sterbai cory, merited snails and a chocolate poso snail. I hope to add more fish in a few weeks. :).
Hi guys! Thank you! Is there a way to edit my message? I obviously have some spelling and autocorrect issues lol. I do love snails, nerite snails help you keep your tank clean and my Chocolate Poso rabbit snail does the same but it's really old. I don't know what their life span is but I have had him/her for at least 6 years! I also forgot to say that I have two clown plecos that I have had for about 8 years. They each have very opposite patterns as one is very blonde in colors and the other has darker brown markings but boy are they shy.
I am not one to keep a perfect looking tank as I like to allow some algae growth for some of my grazers. My algae shrim also do a number on my plants too. They all have a ton of tiny holes on them so I don't spend a lot on super nice plants ;). Have a wonderful day Delapool and Lollipops!
On the app, if you tap your post - a few functions should pop up. One is edit so posts can be edited after proof-reading (sadly this doesn't always help me :) ). You should get about 6hrs to edit a post.

If past that and really annoying (basically wrongly posted) PM a mod such as myself and we can help further. Mainly it's photos we try to help with where needed (eg broken links).

I used to think snails and shrimp were dull and boring, but such great colours out there and seem more popular compared to fish sometimes!
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On the app, if you tap your post - a few functions should pop up. One is edit so posts can be edited after proof-reading (sadly this doesn't always help me :) ). You should get about 6hrs to edit a post.

If past that and really annoying (basically wrongly posted) PM a mod such as myself and we can help further. Mainly it's photos we try to help with where needed (eg broken links).

I used to think snails and shrimp were dull and boring, but such great colours out there and seem more popular compared to fish sometimes!

Thank you so much for the info! No I love snails. There is a lot of colorful ones. Even Bertie snails have awesome patterns on their shells. Bertie need salinity in their water like brackish water in order to breed and lay eggs so in a fresh water tank they are never invasive. They clean your glass pretty well too. I hardly ever scrub my glass! Rabbit snails also clean debris and algae but they need finer substrate to climb on as their big shells make it a bit hard to move around. However mine seem to do well in gravel. Some snails are actually really beneficial! Other snails like that are colorful I think like the briggs (and I'm saying this blindly as I never had Briggs) can lay egg masses and quickly take over your tank so be sure to do your home work on some before taking them home. Some are also good tank jumpers too! Thank you for your help today!
I also have a Buddha in my 55 gal tank. It's pretty peaceful to watch. Big school of about 11 rummy nose tetras, 5 zebra danios, a white mystery snail, a blue eyed lemon bristlenose pleco, a betta and five clown loaches.


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