my betta's won't eat

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 7, 2004
Rochester NY
i just bought two new male betta's about 4 days ago, (in seperate tanks of course) and neither one of them will eat their food. it's the same food they were given at the pet store i got them from, and i have another betta which i've had for a while and he eats it just fine. But the new ones wont eat it. even after it sinks they dont go near it. any suggestions?
Might try some bloodworms - always sparked appetite in the ones I owned.

What are the water paramaters? Anything else unusual?
ive adoubt in the acclimating part, did u properly acclimate them?
they may had areal shock due to inproper acclimation..
if so, dont worry they'll be just fine.
They probably just need to get used to their new surroundings... how are they now? If they still ren't eating, do you notice any "fuzzy" threads on their fins anywhere? Even slight temp. variations easily cause bettas to get a fungus. You might try Bettamax medicine (it's in a purple bottle). Even if they don't show signs of illness or fungus, dose them with the medicine and then try to feed later in the day. Usually this medicine perks them right up. I have about 12 right now, and it never fails for me. :)
I would just be patient, because they are just getting used there new surroundings.

Mine didn't eat for a whole week, but after that, he was fine. Don't worry, IMO, it's normal. :D
I agree with FawnN -- new bettas may take up to a week to eat. They are just getting used to their surroundings.

I disagree with frshwaterfinatc on the statement about dosing the bettas with medicine if they don't appear to be ill. (BettaMax is in capsule form, not a purple bottle.) I wouldn't dose any meds if it isn't necessary. Sometimes the medicine treatment in itself can be stressful so I would avoid it if the fish don't look ill. Not eating for only four days when the bettas are new doesn't mean to medicate, IMO.

Keep trying to feed every day, and also since this is a new tank, remember to check your parameters often!
they're eating now. i bought some new stuff, tetra-min, its a different brand and they like it much better! thanks for the help though! oh and they love the blood worms too thanks for that tip!

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