Need help baby cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 8, 2013
Innisfil, Ontario
Hello I'm Cindy I have just begun breeding cichlids currently I've got a 10 gallon tank with 12 week old babies and a 35 gallon tank with 1 week old babies. My adult cichlids are in a 55 gallon tank and I have a sort of hospital tank for the mommy's after the hatch (35 gallon). I've got another 55 gallon community tank.
My problem is the tank holding the 1 week old babies has just developed an outbreak of black beard algae and I want to take the babies out to clean it but not sure how or if it is safe. I also want to know if they are able to be mixed with the 12 week old babies. Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Never had experience w fry, I can tell you he will eat the dead ones though if you dont remove them. I have a good size pleco in my 35 gallon and he does a great job removing the algea in my tank. I also just purchased a cat fish from petsmart and he continously cleans the tank too.
Don't put a Pleco in the 35 gallon as it won't touch BBA and may pose a danger to the babies. Just spot treat with hydrogen peroxide or flourish excel.
Not to sons stupid but treat what with hydrogen peroxide. Everything in the tank is covered with this gross fuzzy stuff!
Is there no way of transporting the baby cichlids in order to gut the whole tank and clean it? Btw there are no dead babies yet they seem to be quite healthy.
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