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I don't think anything in life is truly complete without a layer or two of cat hair. Food, maybe, but my cats seem to disagree. The fish tank is apparently no exception.

Cat hair, dog hair, horse hair, cow hair, chicken feathers..... It's all the same to me...
Thata ah boy!! Get that wafer!! When you get your Cory's make sure to get some shrimp pellets!! They'll go ballistic!!
I'm looking forward to picking up different types of foods as I add more fish! Hoping to pick up some daphnia, shrimp pellets, and maybe some blood worms if I can handle them mentally. I find worms disturbing for some reason when they're really small. I have a weird fear of infestation and I find them squicky.

After my PWC today, I lowered the water level a little so the surface gets more agitation. With the temperature higher, I'm trying to be conscious of oxygen levels. I've got one tetra who seems to like hanging out at the top, but the others are fine and she doesn't look like she's gasping for breath or anything. I'm keeping a close eye on her since she's acting differently. Is it possible she's just a but of a loner?

Mr. Pleco is getting more outgoing all the time. He's all over the plants and the glass now. He's quite plucky! I understand now why people seem to get obsessed with plecos easily.
I'm looking forward to picking up different types of foods as I add more fish! Hoping to pick up some daphnia, shrimp pellets, and maybe some blood worms if I can handle them mentally. I find worms disturbing for some reason when they're really small. I have a weird fear of infestation and I find them squicky. After my PWC today, I lowered the water level a little so the surface gets more agitation. With the temperature higher, I'm trying to be conscious of oxygen levels. I've got one tetra who seems to like hanging out at the top, but the others are fine and she doesn't look like she's gasping for breath or anything. I'm keeping a close eye on her since she's acting differently. Is it possible she's just a but of a loner? Mr. Pleco is getting more outgoing all the time. He's all over the plants and the glass now. He's quite plucky! I understand now why people seem to get obsessed with plecos easily.
a variety of foods is always nice! You can always skip the bloodworms and for for brine shrimp instead, b worms can cause constipation too so you wouldn't be missing much;) staying at the top and breaking from the shoal could be bad, would it be the tetra with the spots by chance? Are spots still present? The heat can get to them sometimes..yes Pleco's are great little characters and I really enjoy mine, it's especially a treat when my $70 leopard frog Pleco comes out once a month to show off(what was I thinking!)

That is a lovely Pleco! All sorts of really nice plecos go through the aquaria auctions around here, I'm told. I can see more in my future. I saw a King Tiger and an L-144 last week.

It's not the tetra with the spots, actually. She's the largest of the bunch and she does come down to swim with the others sometimes, but seems to like hanging out by the heater near the top. I can't spot anything physically wrong with her but I did notice that she didn't seem as excited as the others at feeding time. She picked a few pieces off the surface but that's it. She just doesn't seem as energetic as the rest. This is the best shot I could get of her:
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1394416439.493909.jpg

I'm hoping she's just feeling a little off due to the temperature change, but I'm preparing myself for something worse, unfortunately.
Never even heard of a king tiger.. Sooo many plecossss! Maybe she's holding eggies???
I think it was called a King Tiger, anyway... It was in a little show tank done up by one of the members' kids for the evening. They had put in a little tiger figurine with a crown to go with the theme. It was outrageously cutesy but it worked, haha. I remember the L-144 sold for $12 during the auction. It was the highest priced fish that night.

I wondered if maybe she was carrying eggs. She's less translucent than the others (I think due to her being bigger?), so it's hard to tell.
My ammonia hasn't risen at all since my last water change! It's sitting at 0.25ppm, just like it does straight out of the tap. Hopefully this means I'm almost fully cycled. *fingers crossed* My pH is still stable at 7.4, which makes me quite happy.

My lonesome tetra seems to be much more lively today. She still likes to be closer to the surface of the water, but she's moving about the tank and has even been swimming around with some of the others. I'm hoping she's on the mend, but I'd feel a lot better if I saw her eat more. Unfortunately there's not much more I can do for her at this point other than dosing with Prime and doing frequent PWCs. Everyone else in the tank is acting normally. I'm still wondering if she's not full of eggs.
Good news! Some fish can take a bit longer to settle in.. A week of odd behavior is not all that uncommon.
Unfortunately I've just lost my first fish. The tetra with the strange behaviour has died. We went out for groceries and when we came back, she was stuck to the filter intake. I don't think that killed her; I think she died and then got sucked onto it.

Water parameters are good:
Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5-10ppm
Temperature 86 degrees (treating for ich)

All the other fish and fine and lively. They ate well during their evening feeding. I'm thinking that particular tetra wasn't well when I brought her home, and then the stress of being rehomed and having the temperature raised so high (even slowly) was just too much all at once. .
Thanks, guys. I really do believe I did everything I could, so I'm feeling all right about it. It's still sad obviously, but it is what it is.

My other fish seem to be thriving. They're active and eating well when I feed them. I love watching them zip about to get food so much that I split feeding up into two sessions. They get as much as they can eat in a minute twice a day.

Mr. Pleco is all about the algae wafers. I bought some zucchini with the groceries last night so he'll be getting some tonight. How do you guys weigh your veggies down?
Good! Stay positive! Sometimes their are just weak fish that don't stand a chance.. As far as that feeding schedule, it's a bit much, usually shoot for as much as they can eat in 30 seconds once a day, sometimes a light light feed if flake in the morning. If you blanch the zuchini than you can cut it up and freeze it, just plop it in the tank, it will thaw and sink on it's own!
Is it too much food? I had read that feeding what they can eat in two minutes once a day should be fine, so I split that in half. I'll cut down then. Thanks!

How long do you blanch the zucchini? And do you only do it so it keeps better when frozen? I'm only asking because I know cooking vegetables takes a considerable amount of the nutritional value away. I get that he's a fish, but I still wonder. =P
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