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I boil water and than throw the zuch in for 30-49 seconds than freeze, freezing just so it's ready when I need it and it sinks better.
Been following along, seems to be coming nicely.

EDIT: nice to see another fish keeper that starts out right, and ends right :)
Well strange as in fish keepers starting like you did yes That'd be strange, but strange as in be happy in getting compliments no.
Oh I agree 100%!!! Capty is doing this right! I wish I had done the same .. Awww the trail of dead fishies in my past:(
I feel you brookster, aren't you in collage? God you did a lot of posting recently.
not anymore haha, I cant remember if I actually even went it was so long ago haha, but yah.. Works been slow and I like this forumn a lot!!
I was asking if it was strange that I took that as a compliment. =)
im sure that's exactly how it was meant, most original posts are asking for assistance in averting a massive tragedy, that was mine anyways.. Poor first Rammy...well second actually:/
To blanch the zucchini, just get a pot on a hard boil. Then gently place your zuch slices in the water for about 2.5 minutes. Then gently remove them and put them into some cold water to stop the cooking. Then dry them as much as possible and freeze them in a container. I believe the purpose is two-fold. They will now sink in the water, and it's also more mushy for your fishy friends to start digging in right away.

I have been enjoying this tread by the way. Nice job on your tank!
im sure that's exactly how it was meant, most original posts are asking for assistance in averting a massive tragedy, that was mine anyways.. Poor first Rammy...well second actually:/

I don't even really know how many fish my mother and I must have killed when I was a kid. We had a small tank and I think I remember having an angelfish in it. I definitely remember that we used to take EVERYTHING out of the tank and rinse it in tap water once a month or so. :facepalm:

I suppose I can thank my high anxiety, guilt, and tendency to overthink everything under the sun for the fact that I'm doing things as well as I can this time.

To blanch the zucchini, just get a pot on a hard boil. Then gently place your zuch slices in the water for about 2.5 minutes. Then gently remove them and put them into some cold water to stop the cooking. Then dry them as much as possible and freeze them in a container. I believe the purpose is two-fold. They will now sink in the water, and it's also more mushy for your fishy friends to start digging in right away.

I have been enjoying this tread by the way. Nice job on your tank!

Thanks very much for the compliment and detailed instructions! I just cooked up a batch. It took everything in me not to season the water with salt; the foodie in me is crying. :lol:
Don't be surprised if me Pleco ignores it for a bit, he'll destroy it over night, or right away.. Never know..
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