new African cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 13, 2012
I just bought 2 new cichlids was trying to get names on them because the names the Lfs gave me were wrong.
The first one looks a lot like my Aurora not sure about either one though. The first one is a mbuna the second looked like a (maybe) hap. Wyite is really good ID so we will see what he says.
The first may be a Maylandia hajomaylandi, but not 100% positive. Second is definitely one of the borleyi varieties, but won't even hazard a guess as to which one.

Gee, thanks fer turnin' the heat up, Andrew! ;)

Wyomingite said:
The first may be a Maylandia hajomaylandi, but not 100% positive. Second is definitely one of the borleyi varieties, but won't even hazard a guess as to which one.

Gee, thanks fer turnin' the heat up, Andrew! ;)


Thanks for the help I will look up that name.
I went to the Lfs and the clerk said there called a red top zebra and the last couple of days she, yes she has been holding eggs in her mouth after a week wow I dont know who the poppa is, im thinking my red zebra he has been hanging around alot. Anybody know howlong they hold them? I will post a vid on YouTube tomorrow check them out and thanks wyite......
User name YouTube 1ozzir
These were my Zaire fronts first day.

I was looking at that in the Google pics I found under the name you gave me and that looks more similar than red top zebra. Thankx for your reply.
Wyomingite said:
Hmm, glad ya got it figured out. She still looks a little gold for a red top zebra, IMO.

Nice tank and fish BTW. Great fronts!


No Im still searching and she looks nothing like a red top zebra. Looks closer to what you said wyite but still off a lil bit.
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