new animal planet show = tanked

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As it turns out, we didn't get to watch the two episodes. Did any of you? If so, good, bad, indifferent?
I seen both of the episodes on Friday. Am I the only one?

It was exactly what I thought it would be. But I do have to eat my words a little bit. It was actually entertaining. I guess that is all you can ask for. It was nice to see our hobby on TV, especially in HD. Some of the fish they were showing were amazing looking. Makes me wish I had a SW tank.

The funny part was..I was more interested in the fish and everything else in the background than the crazy tanks they were building. :D

I do have one problem with a tank they built though. The phonebooth one. The surface area on that thing was crap and there were at least 50 fish inside. Can anyone explain how that is possible? They had nowhere to swim. I felt so bad for them. :nono:

Also, the Mob tank with the TV's. Not sure what to think about that one. I want to hate it, but it was kind of clever.

On a side note: Anyone ever seen "Aquarium"? It was on IFC yesterday and was a 15 minute movie about fish keeping, specifically breeding them. Kind of wierd. :blink: Not sure what to think about it..Kind of wanted it to keep going. haha
that New York street scene (with the Phone booth) was Amazing!
so much attention to detail:
the lamp post, fire hydrant, new york times newspaper, mural silhouette of the New York backdrop, the bubbler in the telephone handset.

The car aquarium was equally amazing.
The artwork on the hot rod - the artist that painted that design is super talented!
The changing colours in the lighting, the bubbler in the headlight, filling the aquarim through the bowser (Genius!)
I watched both shows and I loved the elaborate tanks and the fish were AMAZING to see. There isn't anything like that in the FS around here.
My only issue are the people. I like Wade, he's Ok and seems to know what he's doing. But the Brother & Sister are annoying. The brother Brett is a big brat with a lazy entitled attitude and his sister Heather is manipulative and deceptive, at least IMO and my daughters. Actually it's just those to I have a problem with. The rest of the people involved in the show seem dedicated to what they are doing, and to truly love fish.

I also have to admit I did learn a couple of things that were interesting. Like the fact that Goldfish have no stomach, which is why they need to be feed several small meals a day instead of one big one. It's also why the produce SOOOO much waste, no where to hold it.

It was good enough that I will definitely watch it a few more times before I make any permanent decisions about it.
Ok, so surprisingly we came across the shark/phone booth/mob episode last night. Wanted to love the show, but didn't. I don't really care about what goes into building it and the background drama/jibes between the main cast members. Really enjoyed seeing where they purchased their fish and also really enjoyed seeing the end results. Now, let's have some FW guys, shall we?

I'm certainly not going to get any ideas from this show that I can steal, and that's kind of what I was hoping for. I guess if you're looking for dumb, scratch your crotch, kind of humor, you'd find these guys entertaining. :nono:
I enjoyed the show. Granted I hoped they do something other than saltwater, but that's where the money is I guess. I'm sure they are using seeded material or something. Wish they'd show some care and set up stuff. But their ideas are AMAZING!! I dvr'd them,can't wait for my son to come home from his dads so I can watch it again!! He has his own tank and loves all my tanks. Funny to see him watching a tank for long periods of time. He's always had a tank in his room since he was born ( while living wit me anyway). Maybe if enough ppl write suggestions to animal planet they will do some freshwater too???
I wouldn't hold your breath for a FW tank on "Tanked". The FW fish aren't exotic enough for their extremely wealthy clients. The people that can afford those huge custome tanks, can also afford for someone else to care for their fish. So they don't really care if one fish costs $500.00 or more, if it dies eh, buy a new one.
WendiDell said:
I wouldn't hold your breath for a FW tank on "Tanked". The FW fish aren't exotic enough for their extremely wealthy clients. The people that can afford those huge custome tanks, can also afford for someone else to care for their fish. So they don't really care if one fish costs $500.00 or more, if it dies eh, buy a new one.

Your comepletely rite
Thanks, I'm sorry that I am though.
Maybe if enough of us FW lovers email the show, they may do a little blurb just for us to keep us happy. Although they've probably never built a FW tank, ever.
It would be really nice if they did, but I doubt it, I mean what would you rather see, a car full of tetras and discus or tangs and eels and damsels and anthias and triggers!? :)
I would rather see practical tanks that you can actually maintain and enjoy.:whistle:

I can see it now...Tanked is going to turn into Pimp My Tank.

"We're going to put a fish tank in side of your fish tank so you can watch your fish while you're watching your fish." :ROFLMAO:
Most shows are ultimatley about entertainment, and so is this one. Despite that, I still like it. I can understand if somebody does not like the characters, but I personally do.
Just for the record, it is not entirely fair to judge all their clients and say they don't care about the fish. The show takes places over days to weeks and is edited into about 40 minutes. Just because somebody does things differently than most of us do does mean that they don't care.
The company specializes in sw. I doubt they will do fw because it is NOT their speciality. Also, it is based on the crazy things that people ASKED them to do. People seem to know them a sw tank company, so people will ask them for sw tanks. Would I love to see a fw set-up? YES. But, if I had money for a huge one, I would ask a company who specializes in FW to build it for me.
And hey, I understand what everybody is saying, and you make perfectly valid points. I am just saying that we shouldn't jump to judgement on the clients. I am guessing somebody will rant at me for saying this, but I felt it needed to be said.
Most shows are ultimatley about entertainment, and so is this one. Despite that, I still like it. I can understand if somebody does not like the characters, but I personally do.
Just for the record, it is not entirely fair to judge all their clients and say they don't care about the fish. The show takes places over days to weeks and is edited into about 40 minutes. Just because somebody does things differently than most of us do does mean that they don't care.
The company specializes in sw. I doubt they will do fw because it is NOT their speciality. Also, it is based on the crazy things that people ASKED them to do. People seem to know them a sw tank company, so people will ask them for sw tanks. Would I love to see a fw set-up? YES. But, if I had money for a huge one, I would ask a company who specializes in FW to build it for me.
And hey, I understand what everybody is saying, and you make perfectly valid points. I am just saying that we shouldn't jump to judgement on the clients. I am guessing somebody will rant at me for saying this, but I felt it needed to be said.

thank you for saving me a lot of typing:thanks:
The people that can afford those huge custome tanks, can also afford for someone else to care for their fish. So they don't really care if one fish costs $500.00 or more, if it dies eh, buy a new one.
What are you basing this on? Are you saying that people with a lot of money don't care for fish like those that don't? I'd be willing to be they care a lot more about them than you say. That comment is just ridiculous
mfdrookie516 said:
What are you basing this on? Are you saying that people with a lot of money don't care for fish like those that don't? I'd be willing to be they care a lot more about them than you say. That comment is just ridiculous

Ya that one couple spent 30 grand on the 4 quarantine tanks. Guessing they care. Plus the prob hundreds of thousands on the other tanks they had built.
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