News Story - Painted Fish

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Would you consider a ban on stores that sell painted fish? Results will be shared with my LFS that s

  • Yes

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  • No

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SparKy697 said:
I have no comment that I will post here.

I guess I will have to follow suit. There is too much that I would like to say about that guy, but this is a family oriented forum. (that's a win? how so?)
What I find completely hypocritical is that the SPCA will confiscate chicks that have been dyed but tattooing a fish is OK? I'm not saying dying small birds is OK, but it definitely seems to be more humane then tattooing a fish. I imagine they must remove them from the water for this similar to the painted fish. :(
I moved this to the Lounge. The fish that they are speaking of are Freshwater Fish, but I think it's an issue that Freshies and Salties need to be aware of.
7Enigma said:
What I find completely hypocritical is that the SPCA will confiscate chicks that have been dyed but tattooing a fish is OK? I'm not saying dying small birds is OK, but it definitely seems to be more humane then tattooing a fish. I imagine they must remove them from the water for this similar to the painted fish. :(

Just to be fair to the SPCA, they would've confiscated them if they'd found out it was illegal. But after they did their research and found it IS legal, what could they do? Not much.

That guy who said the fish "seems healthy" and he finds nothing wrong with it... :evil: :evil:

And the pet store owner for even accepting those fish... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
My thing is, THOSE FISH LOOK STUPID in comparison to a naturally beautiful fish like almost all cichlids or even platys and characins. I agree with the woman who said that she is more disturbed by the kind of person who would even want one of those lame looking mollies...
My local Fox network nightly news show had a short story on how cool painted fish are. They talked about a fish store in New York that sells them (I live in Kansas). The video showed painted mollies with spots, stripes, and even hearts "painted" on them. The reporter said they were cute and that these types of fish helped the tropical fish industry bring in new hobbyists.

My wife, who occassionally looks at my fish, didn't think much of it, until I told her how painted fish are created.

I am going to make a sign for my local fish store that sells these types of fish ...

Caution: The fish in this tank have been subjected to cruel and harmful processes in order to have this type of coloration and markings. These processes kill more than 75% of the stock they originate from and weaken the immune system of the surviving fish. These fish may look different than natural fish, however, the markings will not last more than a few weeks at best. In conclusion, you are buying a weakened fish that will look much different in a short period of time, if you are lucky they survive that long.

Enough preaching to the choir... I will take this to my LFS and ask them to replace their painted tank with something more responsible and healthy. Wish me luck.

Here are a few links:

Here is an online petition to help stop this practice:


  • dyedcorys_168.jpg
    42.4 KB · Views: 13
I don't know jow you could make a ban work. While I am totally against them, for a lot of reasons, the fact is it does bring sales to the store, they may not otherwise get. If i were to boycott store that sell dyed and tattooed fish, I would have nowhere to purchase products. I belong to an aquarium society, so most of my purchases are made at club auctions, and my boycott would have little effect on local LFS business.
I would suggest that a ban on store would not be practical, although, a ban on the sale of such fish, could possibly be legislated, although that would not be easy. If you could get the LFS to post that sign, that would be a major accomplishment. Removal of demand would definitely be the best solution. Consequently, I wasn't able to answer the poll as worded. Good luck with your efforts.
I do not want to actually ban the LFS. I just want them to understand how strongly people feel about this issue. I'm not sure it is a demand issue. In my community, it is a supply side issue. If these fish were not available, people would have no other choice but to purchase other fish, at least in my community. Plus, the majority of people who buy these fish are doing so based on a lack of knowledge about the subject. They come to the LFS having no idea what they want or need. In other words, they buy painted fish on impulse.

My LFS prides itself on educating their customers... I am going to take the educational approach with them on this one.

Thanks for you input!
I wouldn't go to these stores if I had another option. Instead of banning, I think that petition is a great idea. The aquarium industry has grown of the last 20 years or so with more passionate and knowledgeable people. I think we could actually make it illegal...there are so many people that feel strongly about this.
I've only seen injected or dyed fish at my LFS once. The folks working there didn't seem to be pushing them and were giving realistic reviews atating that the color won't last and that it was either injected or dyed. I expressed my displeasure at them carrying these fish as well. I haven't seen them there since and I'm sure that other people weren't happy either. I'm just glad to see them gone from my neck of the woods at least for now.
really why are dying chicks illegal? which is what, dipping them in some dye, where as fish are tatooed!

people are stupid, if people didn't consider fish "just a fish" the SPCA should have done something
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