So here's a little bit of an update.
Fixed the flow problem
Turns out I just had to rinse out the pre filter sponge in a bucket of tank water, stuck it back on the intake and water's moving just like it used to.
Plant wise, we're doing great! Bulbs, fox tail and the floaters are growing like there's no tomorrow. Dwarf water lettuce (referred to as DWL from here on out) is throwing out some sister plants. Blyxa is doing great, as usual, and still growing! I ripped the DHG today because it wasn't doing so well. Threw it in the 16, oddly enough the plants I originally put in their are doing great and sending out runners. Weird that it does so well in the low tech, and so bad in the high tech.
Fish/shrimp wise, everything is fine. Feeding is a PITA as usual, only one of the puffers takes frozen. Going to have to see when one of my parents needs to drive to the next town over, that's where the LFS that carries black worms is. Otherwise the puffs are healthy. Shrimp still having fun, making babies, eating food. Speaking of shrimp, I get some more tomorrow! Got shipped Monday. These are a higher grade than the ones in the tank right now. Hopefully add some more color to the new generations. Excited for them tomorrow! I was thinking of throwing them in the 16, but wasn't sure with the ram pair in there, seeing how they go after the amano shrimp when they get too close to the nest. This, and the fact that RCS are a lot smaller.
Anyway, that's pretty much all. Thanks for tuning in!