oceanic 14g biocube-help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 17, 2007
Folks--Ive had a FW planted for years. Local fish store has 14g biocube on sale and was thinking saltwater Nano.
I didnt see any sticky on SW Nano setup or recommendations thus this post.
1-Is the Oceanic 14g biocube all I will need at least for a start up tank?
2-What upgrades would you recommend from the start that the tank does not include and feel I need? Tank will be for live rock-fish-invertibrates-Maybe soft coral? (or you please tell me what the 14g biocube will support!
3-Initial set up---Do you recommend that Instant Ocean water?
4-Substrate recommendations?
5-Any other set up "gotchas" I should be aware of?

thanks for your patience with this newbie on a limited budget!!
yes a biocube is a good starter tank, if you encounter any problems some small taking apart skills may be needed (for me atleast)

if anything you need to upgrade its the lights, but with the term 'limited budget' im thinking it will be out of the question.

soft corals and maybe some easy LPS corals near the top are all youll be able to keep, the lights arent that strong unfortunately. i could give you some examples later if youd like.

i would not recommend the instant ocean water, buy your own salt, and mix it yourself with the water you can buy from walmart in those huge blue jugs, unless a place sells premade saltwater for you, itll be easier.

for substrate ill say aragonite sand, and buy dry sand, not the 'live' stuff. 15-20lbs should do

other things i could think of are a heater (pretty much necesary for anything youll keep in the biocube) and maybe a small powerhead (hydor koralia nano is a good one, but not necessary)

for live rock you can buy about 25% live rock and 75% base rock for lower pricing, the base(or dry) rock will become live over time

keep us updated, welcome to AA!
Cory---thanks so much for the help!!
Questions--how much salt do I buy to mix with the walmart water? (to fill the 14 gal tank and have a premix ready for "extra" ? I have a wal mart close---do u mean regular drinking water in plastic bottles they sell? Do I buy some live rock right away or let tank cycle for a month or so? Like u said--i think I'll got with the lites as they come --for now.
usually depends on the salt, you buy it in a package, instant ocean is a decent salt mix you should be able to find your LFS(local fish store, not like petsmart etc.)

what you could do it fill the tank, then add the salt and make sure you get the correct salinity, which i totally forgot to say you should get: a hydrometer(less accurate but cheaper) or a refractometer (worth it in the long run, about $50 or so new) and a liquid (not strips) test kit for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH API master saltwater test kit is a good one (make sure its not the reef one) you can buy that at walmart.

anyway fill and add salt, get the salinity around 1.025 or so, add your rock, then sand. then cycle

its the water you put your jug in and pay by the gallon i believe.
RO/DI water FTW! The walmart water will work for a while but it will get expensive and buying water and transporting it sucks IMO make your own way better way to go.

Biocubes are equipped to handle most soft corals and fish. The PC lighting they come with is decent but there are LOTS of readily available upgrades out there that are more or less "bolt in".

Ditch the bioballs it comes with and run some macro algae in ther (shoot me a pm and i will trim my chaeto and send you some). I had the same tank for some time and there are quite a few mods to make it much better. I would also invest in some sort of ATO (auto top off) to keep your salinit in check.
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