Problems cycling 25gal Aquarium

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no i had to take the other down as my house i cant have to many tanks in it so i have no where to put him but i can put my little guys in my mom's glo fish tank its also a 29 gallon tank but he seems to leave my starbis corys alone
I would give the new filter at least 2 weeks. But if you're only running the one tank, you can leave them both running on it if you want. That's cool that you can move some fish. I guess those paradise fish can be pretty aggressive to other fish with flowing fins, like Bettas.
yea so i might move them in the morning if i see one missing or something i already lost one (i accidently killed him when i tried to catch him and the net kinda crushed his head) but im hoping that he will come down establish a territory and the guppies sstay out of his way
and i would leave the other two filters running if i could put them in there right but the way the marineland bio wheel things are made the hood wont work with my filters right now i just got the two in there hanging on the wall with suction cups looks kinda bad taht way
Snype2live said:
and i would leave the other two filters running if i could put them in there right but the way the marineland bio wheel things are made the hood wont work with my filters right now i just got the two in there hanging on the wall with suction cups looks kinda bad taht way

Can you just take the media out of the old one and stick it in the new one?
I think it would work as long as the water is flowing through. The Marineland has a spot for extra media behind the filter pad doesnt it? If you stuff your old filter cartridge in there it will seed the new one and cycle it quick.
Snype2live said:
okay ill do that tommorow but should i put my bio sponge in there or the carbon one

I'm betting the bio sponge has more bacteria, don't you think? Put which ever part looks like it would have more bacteria in it.
It's up to you. But I would just move that filter cartridge over and dump any gunk from the bottom of the old filter into the new one and call it good.
so your saying as long as i squeeze out any gunk from my old filters ill be good ?? and not have to worry about keeping the other filters or filter cartriges in there??
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