Protein Skimmers for 10 Gallon?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 1, 2011
Ames, IA
I'm planning a ten gallon reef tank, and I want to get a protein skimmer for it eventually. Are there any good nano skimmers out there? And what would I be looking at for a price? Thanks in advance! :)
Bettababe1011 said:
I'm planning a ten gallon reef tank, and I want to get a protein skimmer for it eventually. Are there any good nano skimmers out there? And what would I be looking at for a price? Thanks in advance! :)

Most will tell you that a skimmer is not needed on a 10 gallon if you keep up on your weekly water changes. I didn't really needed one on my bio cube 29. Just something to think about. I don't think a skimmer would do much for your 10 gallon especially if your doing your weekly's.
Okay, I guess that's one less expense for me then! :D Being 14, every little, or big in this case, expense counts.
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