Recommendation: Brichardi (Neolamprologous) or Kribensis?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 15, 2012
Looking to add one of these pairs to a planted 29g.

Currently it houses 4 Zebra Danios, 1 Bristlenose Pleco, and 2 Amanos. Plants are Corkscrew Vals, Dwarf Sag, Rotala, and various Mosses. Two large driftwoods.

I was just wondering what everyone's recommendation would be based on personality/character of each breed.

Read extensively about both breeds and they both seem like they would be enjoyable to have in the tank with some minor changes. Some cave-like structures would need to be added for both.

For Brichardis, most likely most of the fauna would have to be moved (which I have another tank available for them to go to). They also seem to have a higher reputation for uprooting plants, though not as bad as most Cichlids. Kribensis looks more suited to the current set-up as is with a preference for softer water. My natural tap is ~ 7.8 or so (Kentucky clay and limestone for you...).

My LFS has some juvie Brichardis and Kribensis for ~$7 or so, they also have a 'mated pair' of Kribensis for $25. In such situation, would it be wiser to obtain the pair or juvies? I read somewhere that its not too difficult to get Kribs paired up unlike most cichlids.

Thank you!
Yeah, just regular Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher). I personally like the Brichardis, but wifey is leaning toward the Kribs for their
Well I'm not sure about the others, are they a species if krib? But for kribs, I know that pairs can e a bit aggressive at times but bit overly, so a community tank is good
Well I'm not sure about the others, are they a species if krib? But for kribs, I know that pairs can e a bit aggressive at times but bit overly, so a community tank is good

Yeah, the Kribs look like these guys:

If going with the Kribs...Would it be better to get the 'mated pair' or just get 2-4 and wait for them to pair up by themselves?
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