Starting a 55 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 5, 2003
Columbus, OH
Hello, I am going to be starting a 55 gallon in a few weeks and was thinking about getting some angelfish. I was going to put 2 pairs in the tank along with probably 2 loaches (1 yoyo and I don't know what other kind I will get) and was wonder what other and how may other fish I could put in the tank. Any suggestions?
I have six angels in a 55 gallon with a pair of clown loaches, a pair of dwarf gouramis, 3 neons, a common pleco, 3 raspboras, a pair of pearl gouramis and 4 guppies. That is a lot of fish in the 55 gallon, but 4 of the angelfish are juvenilles I am planning on moving them to another tank as they grow. Of course I need to buy another tank!! I would follow the "1 inch of fish per 1 gallon of tank" rule. I try to roughly follow that and leave about 6-10 inches free, just to keep the tank cleaner. In other words I have about 49 inches of fish in my 55 gallon tank. I have had good luck with angels and most community fish, just make sure there aren't any major differences in size - big angels other tiny fish or tiny angels and other big fish - and you should be fine. Also, make sure you stay away from any "semi-agressive" community fish, like some barbs, as they can be fin nippers. Good luck and keep us posted!
wow, that is a lot if fish. I was considering some gouramis. How big do angelfish get...6 inches? I think that is what I read.
Yes, they can get to be 6 inches long, but they looks much bigger than other 6 inch fish, because of the tall body shape. And you're right, that is a lot of fish! My young angels are about 2.5 inches each, I plan to move then when they hit about 4 inches.
I am not sure. I have had these juvenilles for about 6 months... I would guess a year or so?
Thanks, Schala, for mentioning that Angels would gulp them down if they're large enough - I was starting to get worried that no one had until I saw your post. I have a 55 gallon tank, and was mildly considering getting Angels, when I decided against it because they're so finicky about water pH and the likes. I was also considering neon tetras, but went against it because, not only are they susceptible to neon tetra disease and require acidic water to thrive, but they would get eaten. I don't know if gouramis would pick on Angels . . . perhaps other fish, like scissor-tailed rasboras or glass catfish, would do well. Both of them tend to stick with their species and no one else and are unagressive (I have both).

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