Stingray with cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2013
Has anyone successfully put Stingray in the same tank

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I imagine I you did you'd have to have South American cichlids...I dnt know much about stingrays though
Depends on a lot of factors, especially what species are at hand. In general, it's a no, but like I said, depends on a lot of factors
One big (and most important) factor is tank size. I'd say you should have no less than a 300 gallon tank to house a sting ray.
OK thanks everyone Ya I figured I only got a 100 gallon but will be upgrading to a 500 gallon this year lol starting my mancave but in other note I purchased a fire eel but I don't get it till the end if the month

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The Motoro which to the best of my knowledge is the smallest of the fresh water rays still gets a 24" diameter bell. Your tank would have to be a minimum of 36" deep and have little to no decor on the bottom to comfortably house one full size adult.

That sort of set up would not lend it's self well to having cichlids in there as well.
Those are gorgeous stingrays I have never seen them like that

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