stocking my 10 gal beginner tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 31, 2010
I am about two weeks into the cycling process with my 10 gal FW tank and need some help figuring out what to stock it with when the time comes. the tank has pink/purple fake gravel, fake plants, a piece of driftwood, and fake coral hideout. the setup is an aqueon 10 gal deluxe starter kit + 10 gal tetra heater + air pump/ air stone. we currently have one female rosy barb as we are cycling with fish (would have done fishless but I didn't do any research before jumping in, so we lost our male rosy barb.)
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what type of fish are good in small tanks and for beginners and is compatible with our barb.
I am very interested in getting a catfish but I need one that will stay small enough for our tank.
Well, myself I wouldnt put a rosy in a 10 gallon. Rosies can get to 5 ½'' so 20 gallon minimum. I myself and a cichlid fan, so I would say a pair of cockatoo dwArf cichlids, or a ram (dwarf of course). Ther are many choices of dwarf gouramis. Guppies, kuhli loaches, platies and tetras
I didn't realize rosy barbs got so big. the girl at petco really sounded like she knew what she was talking about so I took her advice, and her and the sign said max 3". not shopping there for fish anymore, and will most likely bring her back later today. also, I'll do the research before I buy next time. I think we are going to go with guppies...males since we won't have room for babies. oh, and rosies are also aggressive when in groups less than five so she'd be going back anyway. they will take her back right? I also hear that gouramis are aggressive so we won't go there...we def want a mix, not a species tank. same goes for the cichlids. and loaches it seems like need to be kept in groups.
can anyone suggest a catfish or other bottomfeeder for a 10 gal? or is it just out of the question? did I make a mistake and start of TOO small??
Most likely petco will take them back and give you credit. There are a few choices you have when it comes to bottomfeeders. You could go with a smaller cory like a pygmy or panda. Another would be some type of shrimp. If you like catfish than you could put some glass catfish. Myself peronaly, I would put 5-6 guppies, 2-3 swordtails and 3 panda cories, a couple snails and maybe a small group of amano shrimp.
I didn't realize rosy barbs got so big. the girl at petco really sounded like she knew what she was talking about so I took her advice, and her and the sign said max 3". not shopping there for fish anymore, and will most likely bring her back later today. also, I'll do the research before I buy next time. I think we are going to go with guppies...males since we won't have room for babies. oh, and rosies are also aggressive when in groups less than five so she'd be going back anyway. they will take her back right? I also hear that gouramis are aggressive so we won't go there...we def want a mix, not a species tank. same goes for the cichlids. and loaches it seems like need to be kept in groups.
can anyone suggest a catfish or other bottomfeeder for a 10 gal? or is it just out of the question? did I make a mistake and start of TOO small??

A pair of red dwarf gouramis woudn't be aggressive. A male and female would simply chase each other about but leave the other fish alone. I have a pair and they are fine. I was also worried about gouramis reputations before buying buy after reading through here it applies to the bigger gouramis.

Apple snails for the bottom feeders
A 10 can be tough to stock. While the rosy barbs won't get larger than 2-3", they are active and any barbs would really need a longer tank to thrive. The dwarf cory suggestion is a good one. 4-5 habrosus, panda, pygmy, etc should do fine. You may want to wait until the tank is well established before adding then though. They can be a bit sensitive. Guppies would work as well. If you go with gups, get all males or they will overpopulate your tank. Swordtails get too big for a 10. I've seen some reach 4" without the sword. Another thought would be to stock it with "nano" fish. CPDs, pygmy cories, small rasboras, etc. They are harder to find (won't be at chains usually), but they can make a small tank seem both full and very active.

Good luck and keep updating us. I like to live vicariously through other folks tanks. ;)
thanks for all the great suggestions everyone...huge help!!
I just fell in love with Pygmy corys! soo cute and tiny and they seem to do their fair share of housework. hopefully I can find some. also it's great to hear about the red dwarf gouramis...I originally wanted gouramis but was discouraged by everyone insisting they are aggressive. so how is this--4 Pygmy corys, 4 guppies, and a pair of red dwarf gouramis (assuming I can find all of them). would that be a good mix? would this be overstocking? thanks again for all your help guys
Sounds ok. Dwarf Gourami are cool fish, but finding quality fish can be difficult. Just about every "dwarf gourami" sold is a colisa lalia male (regardless of the color or common name). Chunas would do well.
Just about every "dwarf gourami" sold is a colisa lalia male (regardless of the color or common name). Chunas would do well.
I'm confused. so I will only find males? that's not a problem for me, we don't need babies. I just googled colisa lalia and got dwarf gouramis so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.....
also what are chunas? just googled it and got no fish results
Sorry about that, I'll try to explain a bit. Dwarf Gourami males are more colorful and are notoriosly weak because they are farmed using hormones to create males. The females are rather drab and pretty rare in the hobby. Google "Dwarf Gourami disease" and decide for yourself. The Chunas are Honey gourami. They are trichogaster chuna (I think, possibly colisa chuna).
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