tank size to my fish

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how do you set this up
10gallon- 2 black mollys, and 1 albino cory.:peace:
oh thats my signature. dont feel bad for asking i asked when i first came here too. how you do it is: 1st go to your "User CP" (tab at the top of the screen.). 2nd look for the link that says "edit signature" double click it. then have fun and write a signature that fits you.
its like this but i cant see any mailwi spots and it also has red eyes
if the eyes are red the only thing i can think is that its an albino. as for the spots not all fish from that lake have the spots just most of them.
cheers for that mike, have you seen the video

now can anybody tell me whether this jewle is a male or a female,

And this one

only they get on to gether and i would have thought if they were male and female how could i encourage them to breed,

and heres a picture of the fish i need naming
here are the fish i have currently.

not sure on gender male female

the cory is an albino and loves to swim and eat and he comes up to the top of the tank often even though he is a bottom feeder.
the male black mollie loves his girl and never stops bugging her. hes not the biggest eater but mates like he is going to die every time he goes without mating.
the female mollie loves to eat. every time i get near the tank she thinks its time to eat.
well thats my fish. thanks
here are the fish i have currently.

not sure on gender male female

the cory is an albino and loves to swim and eat and he comes up to the top of the tank often even though he is a bottom feeder.
the male black mollie loves his girl and never stops bugging her. hes not the biggest eater but mates like he is going to die every time he goes without mating.
the female mollie loves to eat. every time i get near the tank she thinks its time to eat.
well thats my fish. thanks

like it

the female mollie call it heather (as in heather out of eastenders) male is a hard one but ive always called them blackie(not racist)
and the botom feeder spike

what u think
i am looking for a bottom feeder which is actually found in mailwi to replace my plecos anyone have any advice

some ive been looking at
Syno. Petricola

Synodontis multipunctatus
like spike that one will stick. isnt blackie more of a girls name? and all the heathers i know are perky and well the fish is back those just dont match up. got any more ideas? if you stick with slits tell me thanks. :)
nah slits is good ill think of names tonight got any idea on my jewle cichlids
has anybody got any idea on say something that can produce air in a tank if for say the electricity goes
its not ,but im thinking of like if it did what could give them air is there like a air stone or could plants do it
hey i love the bottom feeders you posted i dont know how to care for them since ive always stuck with plecos but those bottom feeders you posted looked great. :)
has anybody got any idea on say something that can produce air in a tank if for say the electricity goes

Two ways of doing this....get a battery powered air pump from the LFS or online.


Get a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) if you are only running your air and possibly a heater during a power outage it should last quite a long time dependingon the battery size of the UPS. You can find them at computer stores.
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