teacup sting ray and sailfin pleco in the same tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 4, 2011
i am ordering a 310g tank (7ft long x 3ft deep 2ft wide) and i already have a sailfin pleco raised him from 1inch hes now 16inch and hand tame and womdered if he would be ok in my new tank with a teacup sting ray (potamotrygon laticeps) my sail fin pleco is a (Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps)
It depends on who you talk to. Many ray keepers will say they do best without any other fish in the tank. Others will say that very carefully selected tankmates are okay, but usually do not include plecos on that list. If it was me it would be just rays.
it should be ok.
I would just limit the tank to 1 pleco and the sting rays (no other bottom dwellers)
Before they go together you should know that although it has worked out in some cases, some people have had issues with the pleco sucking on the ray. I would be surprised if a gibbiceps didn't.
Thanks guys don't think i will risk it even tho I do want a ray so bad but it's not fair on the ray and I can't afford to loose £150-£200 my gibbicep is hand tame and had him from 1inch so he's more important to me
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