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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 27, 2014
I'm moving and I've decided to start a new 55 gallon that has very few plants, lots of drift wood and rocks (just because I already have plenty). In the past I've kept a large community tank of just about everything in a planted aquarium but the algae, Malaysian snail infestation, and high maintenance requirement is making me want to move to a more focused aquarium.

I want some fish that will grow to size, is on the rarer side, not high maintenance, and has personality. Was thinking something like certain cichlids but I'm sure people are more creative/knowledgeable. I was also thinking of a lone arowana but that's a large commitment
Nope no arowana in this tank just throw out that idea right now. Get a 200g+ tank then we can discuss an arowana.

For cichlids: JD, GT, firemouth, Severum, keyholes, Texas, or apistogramma. All are good options with some personality.

Some say a 55 is bare minimum for a single Oscar but IMO I'd say a 75g.

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