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Ok so I've had an unbelievable offer to upgrade into a much bigger tank, here is the spec...
Black Aqua Medic Anthias 120 Aquarium With Stainless Steel Framed Black Cabinet
Holds Approx 115 Gallons Of Water (525L)

Dimensions 136 X 68 X 142 Cms

Twin Metal Halide Bulbs & 2 Moonlight Fluorescent Tubes. The Unit To Hold Them Has Been Customised To Sit On Top Of The Tank Rather Than Hang From The Ceiling

Reef 500 Filter System With Turboflotar 1000 Protein Skimmer

All Filtration Components Housed Inside A Glass Sump With Sliding Doors
Ocean Runner 3500 Circulating Pump

Aqua Medic Automatic Top Up System

300 Watt Heater

Bio Balls

Vectom 400 UV Steriliser

The guy wants £700 and I'm considering my options, what do you guys think?!?
Haha! I suppose that is the philosophy of an aquarist in general! I'm sure my Koran would appreciate it! Does it sound like a good setup though?!
So the foot print is basically 5 ft x 2 ft(not sure what the last dim means) ....Isn't that only a foot more than your current tank?
If you are planning an upgrade ,i'd hold out for a bigger footprint ,especially with the fish you currently have,JMHO
Well it is double the amount of water then my current tank (I think it works out like 138 US gallons), I know that foot print is something to take into consideration but it is surely a hell of a lot better then what I've got now.
I completely understand your view though. I will say it is a very deep tank (from front to back) and I thought it would be better.
Oh i get it ,,believe me ,,the thought of upgrading is awesome and always better...,,but hind sight has taught me to think even further ahead .The footprint is more important than the volume..Just don't want you to be kicking yourself(like i did) for settling on this, when in a year or 2 you wish you just waited for the next great deal ...Just giving some friendly advise:)
This is a tough decision, so many factors and pro's and cons! The dilema we have in the uk is the general space in ours homes for big tanks isn't great and I need to take into account if I would even be able to go bigger then a 525litre, also this set up is worth over £2000 ($3150 ish!) and for £700 I doubt I will ever get my hands on such a deal, it sure is a toughie!
I think in general the only downside to a larger tank is one of expense and room. It certainly opens up the possibilities of what you can keep, increases the stability of the system by added water volume and allows for a more natural looking reef. Bigger is better. But there is a price to be paid. I am wanting to go from my 20 year old 250 gallon system to one of about 1000 gallons...so you see, it is never big enough.
Bigger is definitely better. Hoping to change out my 45 for the new 125 I got on Sat. Traded a little electrical work for the tank stand and canopy. Problem, my doesn't want to give up the entertainment center which would be the only suitable spot. :-(
Lol your argument should be that it would become the entertainment centre!!

Tried that one already. LOL I am going to dress up the stand and give it a new paint job, then set it all up in the garage. Maybe when she sees it you will change her mind. :cool:
Ok so I'm in Dubai and they have this in their shopping mall......


I think I will be upgrading soon lol!
Actually I have seen some pictures from some hotel rooms there where part of the room is either underwater or there is a huge tank outside of the room so it looks like you are underwater I think. Very cool. I am glad the $20 a day I spend in gas is going for something cool!
My daughter was there when the aircraft carrier was there over Christmas 2010. She loved the tank and sent us tons of pictures of it. :)
Ok so it has been a while since I've had an update! Been away for 2 months and I've come back to a Koran angel who is looking fantastic! Looking at a new tank tomorrow to give him the space he needs! Very exciting

He is a right poser, if you sit in front of the tank he just constantly swims right in front of you and wants all your attention!

At about just over 3 inches now!
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