what can i do with cichlids in a 38 gallon?

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mr funktastic

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2005
alliston, ON
i have convinced my parents to buy me a tank fo christmas but the most i think i will get is a 38 gallon. i have a very large assortment of african cichlids available in my lfs. i like demasoni the most but i also like the yellow labs. i would like just a demasoni tank or a good mix of labs and demasoni. if i did just demasoni how many can i get in a 38 gallon? or if i mix them what would the ratio be? also they are impossible to sex so how will they react with each other if i get all males or more males than females? i plan on using pool filter sand with lava rock and red slate as the structure. all opinions are welcome. ohhhh and filtration, the kit comes with a penguin biowhell filter. i forget the model but it is more than sufficient for normal fresh water fish and not messy cichlids. if i added a small filter inside the tank, i was looking at the HOB filters but for the inside of the tank if that makes any sense lol. i dont want another hob filter because of noise. thanks in advance and i realize that there are alot of questions and that most of them could be answered by me going to another thread but i would really rather everyones opinion on my personal set up.
I would not recommend putting any Africans in a tank smaller than 55 gal. I have heard of them in 30 gal tanks, but IMO, I wouldn't do it. They are much too aggressive and dart around the tank. Do you know what the tank dimensions are? Unless it is a long tank, I would reconsider.
While I wouldn't recommend it either, the lemons would most likely be ok in that tank if you set it up with lots of good rock structure. Check into Malawi setups to see what I mean.
miniumum surfase area needed for a rift lake cichlid tank is about 600 inches square.. if the length and with multiply out to that number or larger you can go with the smaller ones.. Wide tanks make the exception.. if your 38 is only 12 inches wide.. I would suggest shell dwellers from lake tan. if you want rift lake cichlids..
kk thanks for your input i will try as hard as i can to get them to buy me the 55. it is a long tank and i planed to have alot of rock structure. i will ask my local fish store their opionion becasue they have a cichlid specialist.
lol this guy is actually incharge of the entire cichlid section of the store which is like 2 isle at 5 tanks across bye 4 high on both sides and they are big tanks. he actually knows what he is talking about and also suggested the 55 gallon tank but unfortunatly i will have to work with what i get for christmas and i really like cichlids. i wouldnt over stock this tank and i dont even care if there are only like 5-6 of them in there. or i have heard that overstocking will sometimes help lower agression. i will have to go do some research at the store. and thatnks for the link greenmaji
shell dwelllers are actually rift lake cichlids.. they look like them, some of them are actually cooler looking IMO.. If you get a smaller tank.. check out that link.. if your store is as cool as you are descibing I bet they can order shell dwellers for you if they dont already have them.. :p
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