White spots on neons tail fin

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Ich as well as some other disease can be made worse by stress which causes a fish to lose it's slime coat. With so many fish dying I would suggest getting a med for ich/ick (you can research which ones are plant safe, pretty sure copper based are not). I would also do regular water changes (10-20%) daily to remove any parasites that might be in the water or in the gravel (vacuume it out), and a big one (50-60%) once a week. On top of that put an aloevera based slime coat additive in the water to help your fish build their slime coat up. This is essentially their natural protection against these things. Heat and other stressors can cause them to lose it, making them more susceptible. Ich is not always visible and often hosts itself in the fish gills, which causes breathing problems for the fish. I would go to the articles section on this website and read the article on ich. It is very thorough and will give you a better understanding on what you are dealing with. Good luck, it sucks to lose fish, and your aquarium is very nice looking.
Freshwater Ich? Yuck! - Aquarium Advice
Appreciate the post! I've basically ruled out ich, attributed secondary deaths to high temp and stress as both were "runts" explained by knowledgable sources. At this point I have lowered the temp to 82( slowlyyy) added stresscoat+ (aloe) and I'm hoping this will aid in combating the further eradication of my beloved 20 g aquarium. Seeing as I have snails and shrimpies most meds are out of the question so hey! Come at me life!!
Are you getting problems with other fish as well or just the two?
No, 3 total , one was the pearl danio, which I've learned will tolerate "tropical temps" but so not prefer. All is well this morning, temp still coming down. I think the heat really stressed this tank out..
2nd neon showing white splotch/color fade on base of tail, started treating with melafix.
What has happened with your neons has happened to me with otherwise healthy neons during ich treatment. Atleast the loss of color and death. Can you post a pic??

I keep my CPD's around 70 degrees..I'm not surprised to hear of that loss either during a heat treatment.

IME melafix really isn't good for much.
What has happened with your neons has happened to me with otherwise healthy neons during ich treatment. Atleast the loss of color and death. Can you post a pic?? I keep my CPD's around 70 degrees..I'm not surprised to hear of that loss either during a heat treatment. IME melafix really isn't good for much.
I started the heat treatment due to the white spot forming in the one neon, the second and third death had to be heat related, now I have the temp at 80, the second neon to have the white spot is starting down the sane road as the first, I chose melafix after an hour in front of the med rack with google, I didn't want to risk killing my plants and inverts to treat something that could be Un-treatable. I will try to get a good pic in the morning! I've had the cpd's at 78 since I've had them and they seemed happy despite the small size of the school.,
It's just if it is just ich adding the melafix will only stress them worse. And if it is something else melafix most likely won't cure it. And if the heat is down to 80 you aren't going to get rid of the ich.
I would agree, we really need to sort out if ich or not. Melafix I thought can sometimes work but is more an early stage treatment when fish were just looking off. A picture sounds great. I think there were 3 dead so far, of which 2 were runts?

Edit - just checking - this neon with the one spot is like a white pimple or a colour loss patch?
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I would agree, we really need to sort out if ich or not. Melafix I thought can sometimes work but is more an early stage treatment when fish were just looking off. A picture sounds great. I think there were 3 dead so far, of which 2 were runts? Edit - just checking - this neon with the one spot is like a white pimple or a colour loss patch?
Correct, 2 runts during 87* tank temp, here's a pic, I really don't think it is ich, it's internal. image-2900862030.jpg
Looking like this? Bacterial infections in tropical fish The photo was taken from the "Bacterial External Infections" section. I'm not saying it is this as I don't think it explains the fish death with the twisted tail. I just can't see the photo well enough. http://badmanstropicalfish.com/fish_palace/tropicalfish_disease_identification.html#Ich
It does look like that, not exact same location but cloudy splotch is very similar. So melafix would be appropriate for this????i just want to thank you guys/girls for helping me out with this! Really appreciate it:)
Imo Melafix won't help with a full blown bacterial infection. I didn't have any luck using it. As far as I can tell, it is either mild or hit/miss.



Having said that, IMO it is worth a try to see if it can help where disease is not aggressive. If it is not spreading / could be heat stress then a light dose of melafix may do the trick. Watch fish carefully for stress though.

Edit- I'm still a bit confused on what it could be though.
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The rest of the fish (Pleco,Cory's,guppies) seem fine, happy, swimming, eating. Aren't neons known for these types of things? Just random issues that result in death? If it gets worse I will most likely remove the fish and try to stop any potential further spreading of whatever it is..
Also. Can I/should I still do 25%wc while Isis's melafix if say I dosed this morning can I change water 12 hrs later?
Perhaps the problem fish are gone now. Worth a try to just monitor and see if anything crops up. Sounds good the rest are ok.

I find neons are sensitive for a few months, once they get established and a decent size, I find them quite hardy. I do wonder with mine as the ph is not quite suited, if this doesn't help with anything that may crop up.

Water changes is a good question. I will still do water changes. For melafix I can't see any problems.
Still just the one slowly losing his tail color to the white-out, I'm going to give him another day than divine intervention..
He took a turn for the worst, big white pimple by his gill this morning, made the tough decision...
He took a turn for the worst, big white pimple by his gill this morning, made the tough decision...

I had neons with a bacterial infection. Some had white pimples on the lips plus some with ragged fins, sores, ruffled scales, spotty colour loss. Cotton-mouth was the diagnosis. I gave up after 3 weeks so I'm fairly certain it wasn't ich. I had them in QT so could try a few things but we are limited on medicines over here. Nothing I tried worked, although I could have tried a stronger salt dose. Sucks but I can't find anything really useful at all. Hopefully no more.
It is a strange thing whatever it is/was(hopefully) the 3 remaining lil guys look great, although their temperament has greatly changed after losing half the crew. I'm looking into adding 3-4 cardinals. I think I'm done with neons..
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