Who could be the plant eater???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 8, 2005
Petaluma, CA
I have several plants that are starting to get nibbled on, which of these fish could it be:

4 rainbows
5 black skirt tetras
5 cherry barbs
1 golden chinese algae eater
2 chinese algae eaters
5 black neons

Does anybody have money on the algae eaters?
It could be anybody but the tetras or neons - but most likely it is actually a nutrient problem.

What plants are getting eating and how do they look?
mainly my crypt and baby tears...The leaves has a chewed look, with stringy fibers from the plant...The baby tears are just getting broken and float to the top..

Aquarium has:
Pressurized CO2--30ppm
Standard EI method for all the macros & micros
4.2 watts per gallon
use root tabs under crypt and sword plants

My suspects are the cherry barbs or the algae eaters are just being to rough on them..Anybody??
I have no problem with my cherry barbs and I dont think they could cause too much damage as they would only graze on the plants. Pleco's are unsuitable in most planted aquariums. They can be too rough when eating material off of plants. Also, once they become larger their meal of choice becomes plant matter, not so much algae and rotting food. Eventually the pleco may even become aggressive with your smaller fish.

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