Worst case of cyano ever?

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The sheets of slime is a pretty good indicator. To sell that thing, I would have emptied it and given the rock with it in a container.
I think the lighting makes it look like Coraline, but it appears to be a BAD case of cyano. I don't think I have seen it this bad. Abandonment maybe?

LOL .... I sent the guy an email and asked if he was serious about the "FULLY LOADED" part. I want to know what it's "FULLY LOADED" with Cyano?

I pitty the poor soul who buys that tank! They would be better off buying a new one!
Did anyone else notice this?
This must be paid for through paypal before pickup
They will not accept cash at pickup? I guess because when you see it you will not want it. I looked at their feedback and they have sold a lot of baby stuff (clothes, etc) Which probably means this is all that is left of "nemo" :(
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Guess everyone here got everything right the first time? Cyano is mostly caused by high phosphates, low water flow, and poor light spectrum. Instead of making fun of the guy, maybe some of you could climb down off that high horse and send him an email with your vast knowledge explaining what might be causing his cyano. Probably be too much like helping instead of clowning.

While I agree that the tank is salvagable and there is no reason not to buy it, lets keep the conversation friendly and within the boundaries of the user agreement. Your other comments are flamming and others are close to it and really unnecessary.
Sorry, didn't know big brother was watching. What was edited read something completely opposite of this: What a bunch of modest (look up the antonym in word) guys. You can read the rest from the original post.

Sorry, just have this real peeve about people acting like they're better than someone else :twisted: Allow me to retort: Man, what in the world is that guy smokin'? Doesn't he realize through osmosis or something that the slime all over his tank is actually a bacteria that shouldn't be there and is caused by him overfeeding (probably using flake food), not changing enough water often enough, and probably never changing the bulbs?

Did I miss something?
I can understand you didn't like someones comment, fine. But, if you have a problem, report it. Your comments are making it much more than need be. Please lets move on.
KG said:
Sorry, didn't know big brother was watching.

Big sister is watching as well..that is one of the functions that advisors do here at AquariumAdvice.

As for the content of this thread, that tank is more than salvageable. It is also up for sale, this person no longer wants it. I do not feel it is anyone's job to educate them on cyano at this point. If they are smart enough to figure out how to use ebay, then I am sure they were smart enough, if they cared to be, to find aquariumadvice or any of the other multitudes of boards, or sources of articles on tank care that are available on the web and *gasp* even in libraries.
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