Yellow lab breeding

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if shes only just started to hold, u may want to keep track of how long its been! then u will know when it hits the 3 week of holding mark, generally the time when their fish are stripped. and darn thats gonna be a good batch, very deep throat! :D
i just noticed it today... i noticed last night the food was being ignored a bit... now today i went to throw some tiny danios in there for their amusement and bam she comes out with a mouthful already haha... so im gonna say today is day 2? i figured shed have a small batch, mouth doesnt look as bloated as the one that started this thread, perhaps cause its only day2?
or stress/ chased by male could mean she swallowed some, or is relaxing it abit, dunno. keep a tally of the days so u know whats up.
how small is it now?
well i think it was stressed for a couple reason... i have it in a tank with an orange malawi, a german red peacock, and its mate so im sure its stressed about all those fish... ive got good hiding spot and stuff but i dont think it was enough for her... then i moved her into a plastic breeder like the one shown earlier in this thread but i didnt think it was enough room so i went out and bought the netted one which is deeper and wider... but i think moving her stressed her out also... but i just checked on her and shes still pretty big! woot, im excited! my girlfriend is too! these fishes story is kinda funny... got em both at the same size, one outgrew the other and stopped growing so we called on "Biggie" and the small one "Smalls" kinda a joke with the rapper Biggie Smalls or notorious BIG... but then we had to switch the names cause the smaller one quickly outgrew the bigger one... had no idea we had a male and a female but now we know and now they're breeding! so i told my girlfriend i had a suprise for her, and she says, "oh no not another fish!" hahah i said well not really, you like biggie and smalls right? she answered yes and then i told her they're breeding and she started jumpin with excitement and began slapping me in the arm in excitement! haha i hope this works out...

i have a breeding pair of angel fish too the breed like crazy but they just eat em after a while it sucks cause i get to see them swim freely and then the next day they're gone... no idea why cause i feed my angels real well...
just to show her mouth has grown back after relaxing a bit from being moved...

and this is my tank setup, looks so empty :(

i hate how the background looks... wish i knew how to fix it!
thanks a lot, actually i have recently just lost one... it was a nimbochromis venustus about 5-6" long... pretty upset about it but im wondering if thats why the labs are now breeding?
maybe the stress of that fish or the territory it claimed prevented them... think of it as losing one beautiful one (as they are!!) and gaining about 30 new family members to show how happy the tank is!
yea i was bummed cause it was a beautiful fish, named her "ghillie" as it looked as if it were wearing a ghillie suit... i was actually most proud of that fish but it must have been weak... i checked the amm. levels once it passed and it was a little high but not bad and all the other fish were fine... but like u said ive now gained from it... i just hope my german red thats reaching a good 5" doesnt start acting up... if thats the case i might just leave the 2 yellow labs in there by themselves and let them do their thing you know?

i have 2 pictus cats in there as well as a chinese algea eater but they dont seem to both anyone...
i dont think the red will act up, but let the babies get to a very good size before putting them in there, JIC. but do u really want only labs? the german red has a lovely deep color, would be a shame to lose IMO. chinese algae eaters are awesome :)
i really wouldnt want to lose any of my fish, ever! i was just sayin that if it came down to it i could just have the labs in there to have a paradise to breed in!

my chinese algea eater is almost 6" hes gotta be full grown by now, hes huge... got his as a tiny little guy, im amazed on how big he is now... his name is "Suckah"

the hardest part about this breeding thing now is the wait! im a very impatient person sometimes... instant gratification is something i need haha! but i figure for the meantime i could just leave the fry in the netted breeder box i have the mother in now. wait til they grow to a decent size and maybe put them into my tank... the issue at the moment is that i have a 55gal Oscar tank, a 40gal Mixed African tank, and a 20gal Angel tank... i dont have a great place for the fry to go... ill have to figure that out later when the time comes i guess...
they wont grow well in the net. what i plan on doing with my fry is putting netting up in the 10 gal grow out tank to separate the fry breeds, so no attacking/maiming occurs. like a divider, but lesscomplicated and can be revoved quicker. il prob use stones to weigh it down, hook it under the hood and stick it over the sides of the tank and do..... something to peg the sides to the glass. youc ould do this with urs so they get bigger but dont need a whole other new tank xx
so i dont quite get what you're suggesting as i told you what i have for tanks...

possibly take a divider and divide one of my tanks for the fry? maybe divide my 20gal angel tank? i know i could divide it but i would have to find a solid way to keep the fish from gettin around any possible open spot...
I got 8 or 9 babies from my yellow lab now how do I take care of em ??
I know lol i think im gonna have like 12 or so my friend thinks 20 or so
Italy592 said:
I got 8 or 9 babies from my yellow lab now how do I take care of em ??

I put mine in a 1.5 gallon container with a bubble filter and heat. I crush up flake food to almost a powder and feed 3x a day. Nothin to it! It's really quite simple.
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