adding fish with bettas

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 25, 2004
i have two betta tanks on my desk
a 2 gallon hex
and a 5 gallon bow front
can i add any fish with them
2 gallon=No and the betta is nearly all the bioload it can handle..and the crowding will make him attack anything in there that bumps him too much . Maybe ghost shrimp/snack.

the 5? you can split and put another same size fish on other side like another betta or paradise fish....or you can just add 2-3 otos for house keeping. But what they remove in fallen food turned to algae, they poop out in same quantity..^_^

Some bettas get attitudes even with gentle otos. If your guy taps glass and flares a lot I'd suggest no tank mates he can reach.

you an split the 5 put both betta in and then use the litle tank for shrimp and a tiny froggie....
See tank girl's thread about a 5 gallon and see the type of suitable fish mentioned already posted
If you have a calm = not very agressive betta fish.... how about some dwarf african frogs? 1 or 2.... maybe some white clouds or something that stays small.... 1 or 2 of them..

Nothing for the 2 gal though, the betta is plenty!
The minimum tank size I would suggest splitting for anything is a 10g. A paradise fish in particular is going to need a 5g when it's an adult in my experience, and bettas do far better off with that much space as well. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

Also, white cloud minnows aren't really appropriate in a betta tank due to their differing temperature requirements.
I've got 4 neons in with my betta in a 7 gal. This betta is quite a hyper betta too. Not agressively, but definately the way he swims, and wiggles when you come by to see him. Don't take my word on this though! I've heard differing opinions about these two breeds together, and it's only been 3 days that they've been in there together.
I was thinking the round tail paradise fish, they like the same basic ranges as the spendens and are hardy in cooler water as well. And they top out at 3 inches for the males. Should have been specific, ,since regulars I have sen one a whopping 5 once, instead of four. Blacks are 5 inch fish. Waay too large.
Neons annoy bettas, so it depends on the betta if he decides to actually hunt them down or play along. Mine plays tag half the day with the penguins. They are all larger than he is now, but he doesn't care. But that is a 40 gallon, they speed around to end up behind him before he has gone 4 inches... ^_^ .
Shrimp very often become snacks.
Most frogs do allright.
Just to share an experience of having a Betta with Glo Lite Tetras:

I've got a 10 gallon with a rather gentle Betta. I put in 5 glo lite Tetras as tankmates. Everything appeared ok until I noticed the Betta's tail looked a little ragged (about a week after introducing the glo lites). I began a stake-out of the tank to see if my hunch was right and sure enough.... the glo lites were biting the Betta's tail! :(

A long flowing tail was just too irresistable to the Tetras. They weren't hunting the Betta or anything... just at certain times when the tail would be very close them, the Tetras just couldn't resist taking a nibble.... poor Betta.

I removed the Tetras and put them in another tank. My Betta is much happier
My betta is ina 40 galln with the tetras.... in less footprint spacee than a 20 I am sure these tetras would become pains in the pitootie. It's why I had to upgraded from the custom 18 gallon instead of waiting til summer. Mostly the loaches growth spurt adn the rascally tetras.
They were pestering my poor little BKG (who should have ate at least 3-4 of them while they were still small!) My betta now patrols the tank and chases them away from knife moutain where he used to rest on and his own lair .
Well, my betta has been OK with those neons in there, but they do definately like his tail. They haven't damaged it at all, but they're trying. My betta is just too alert to let them get hold. I'll be moving them though because I don't want my betta to be stressed. He might not be getting much sleep with those neons around. Not sure what I'll do yet. I might try them in the 15, being there's more room. But I hate for my betta in there to get nipped up. He's healing nicely from the dreaded puffer attack (whoops). If nothing else, my friend's Ich has stabilized and he's been wanting some more neons.
I have never had a problem mixing bettas with any kind of fish as long as they aren't aggresive bettas they will do fine but I wouldn't add very many. They two gallon is fine as it is. I think African Dwarf Frogs are the best betta friends and they make any tank spring to life. FYI african dwarf frogs can get out of a tank.

Fish are wonderful to have as pets and horrible to have as food
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