Betta and Goldie Compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2004
Hello, I was wondering if a Male Betta would be compatible with goldfish. I have a 5 gal with 4 goldies and 2 ghost shrimp. :)
I agree. The betta and the ghost shrimp would be fine in the 5gal, but the goldies are going to need a 40gal eventually.
Yep, first work on a bigger tank before worrying about more fish! A 5g tank is too small for any number of Goldfish.
Well now I don't have a male betta to put anywhere. :( He died a few minutes after I posted that question. I put him in a 2 gal bowl with dechlorinated water and gravel from a old tank (Had 2 goldies in it) he was swimming around and he looked like he had a seisure. :( I wated a little, tapped on the glass, and then flushed him. :cry: I feel so bad for him, was my favorite. On the bright side I might get a job at the fish store!
What was the temperature of the new water? I once almost boiled one of my bettas to death when I noticed him acting funny I realized the water (out of the tap) was too hot and was killing him.

Anyway, my cousins put a betta in with goldfish, I went over to visit them and saw it on the bottom of the tank, I thought it was a salamander or something. All of it's fins were chewed off and it was sitting on the bottom, I have no idea how it was getting any food.
Did you slowly acclimate the betta to the bowl's water temperature? You might have shocked him. Try floating the bag (with betta / or any new fish you're going to have) in your bowl / tank for 30 minutes, then slowly pour some water from your tank to the bag, wait a while, making sure the new fish is comfortable, and add more water, and so on. Usually I try to use as little water from LFS.

I'm sorry for your loss.
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