Colored skirt tetras

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Oh... You might be talking about the electric green glo tetras? Those are a different type altogether. They are actually bred that way. There are a lot of mixed opinions on those.
They have 'glo' tetras which are genetically modified white skirt tetras. They are green like the green glofish (danios). They are not dyed. They are genetically modified with jellyfish DNA. They aren't harmed but born that way. Not my cup of tea but far better than the dyed fish.
The glo lights are ok. Some will argue that they are not, but I disagree with those people. I had a glo light tetra that schooled with my black skirts, and they were all healthy and happy. The glo barbs kinda look weird in a way, but they are ok too.
Yea the ones in the store are definitely not neons, they have a more rounded body like a nickel, not long and slender like a neon or glolight tetra.
This is what I have and was old it was a glo tetra . Is it or no? Lol


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