Dwarf Africa Frogs

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 24, 2005
Ontario Canada
In Eclipse 6 - 2 Dwarf Africa Frogs & 3 Glow Tetas planted ! I am feeding the frogs, frog bits & blood worms that what was told @ Petsmart that's all could tell about them! Can anyone help want to know if they follow the same rule 1" to gal as fish?

Hugs Clown
i think you'll enjoy them. they are pretty blind, but you have some pretty non-voracious fish, so you wont have to much of a problem with feeding, just the same i would target feed them. (i just waved a small chunk infront of their face)

they typically do stay at the bottom, but may float at the top and appear dead. as long as they have adequate ground space like waterpond said, you should be good. they love hiding spots, and feel only comfortable if theyir hiding spot is about the same size they are (talk about closterphobic)

if they dont get a hiding spot, they stress out.

i'd only feed frozen foods, and you said bloodworms so i think you'll do fine
I have three in a 2.5 gallon.., well planted. They do great on frozen bloodworms, mysis and even cyclopeze... I never feed frog bits, I have heard that can jam their digestive systems... I only feed every other day, and they come running when they see the syringe I use to squirt the food onto their "feeding rock" ..

they have actually dug a little cave under some driftwood I have as a little hidey hole, and do very well... I wouldn't put tetras in with them. Tetras are very good at grabbing food quickly. Frogs take awhile to find it.. They do best in a species only tank.

you can think one frog per gallon if they are alone.. they are said to like a higher ph.. 7.6, but I only ever raise my water to 7 (naturally very soft acidic water). Supposedly they don't need a heater. So far, the tank light has done enough, but I will buy a tiny heater and keep it handy in case of a cold snap the apt heat doesn't handle.

they are very sweet tho once, I was watching one that seemed to have a broken leg. I was very worried, and suddenly it shed its skin and ate it in one gulp. yuk!

lots of plants. Not lots of things that can fall in on them if they dig as they are great diggers. They need a well covered tank (grab that little hole for cords on teh eclipse and tape it shut) and they can't be out of the water. Also don't over feed.

I don't find them particularly messy, but I do 50% water changes weekly, a habit left from my highlight planted tank.
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