Mystery cloud

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2014
Georgia, USA
So I've been trying to solve this unknown dilemma in my old 55 gal which I want to redecorate(I'm also about to deep clean it.. Sorry you get the dirty pics). However I don't want to redo rate until I get this weird cloud spot out. I recently got a new canister filter, and it's not making matters better considering I think it's something to do with the surface. I believe that if I just get this little surface junk out, it'll make the water on that side not look cloudy (because of the way the light come through it). What do you all think I should do?

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If you have a surface film there isn't enough water agitation/movement to keep a protein layer from forming. If you put on a new canister and didn't add seeded media in it you are probably having a mini cycle and the cloudiness is a bacterial bloom. One way to know for sure is to do a large WC and if the tank clouds right back up then it's a bacterial bloom. If the water gets and stays clearer then it's very tiny detritus particles that the filter isn't removing. I stuff one basket on my canister filters with 100% Polyfill that you can get a big bag of at a craft store, Target, etc. As polyfill gets dirty it collects smaller and smaller particles. I just remove it during my monthly canister cleaning and put new in. Some people have good luck using Purgen to give water a crystal clear look. It's expensive but rechargeable.
I'm using carbon.. And when I rid of it, it just came back (in fact it actually spread). So I'm assuming it's a bacterial bloom. Thanks for the help!
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