Re-mineralization of RO water

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 4, 2013
Pipestone, Minnesota
What is the best way to re-mineralize RO water. I have been using Seachem's Equilibrium. But I just want some opinions on what is the best way to do it.
What is the best way to re-mineralize RO water. I have been using Seachem's Equilibrium. But I just want some opinions on what is the best way to do it.

That kind of depends on your goal. You could continue that or just add 75% RO and 25% Tap water each WC. Everyone's tap is different so metal concentration in water supply will vary across the country.
My tap is very unstable so I only use it when it tests good 1 week it was ammo 2ppm nitrite 1ppm nitrate 40ppm Ph 7.8 Yes this is city water. This week it's ammo .25 nitrite 1 nitrate 5ppm and PH 7.8. PH has also been very unstable going from 7.4-8.8. My ultimate goal is consistent levels that are good for my gbr angels and plants.
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