yet another stocking question.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 8, 2006
flushing, ny
My daughter's betta has gone to the great beyond as of last night and I am now looking for different suggestions to stock the 5G lightly planted hex he was in. I will be going to the LFS tomorrow and want to stock it fast so the biological filter doesn't die off.
I was thinking a small school of neons or white clouds? Maybe zebra danios although I don't know much about them.
Any suggestions appreciated.
i don't think it's fair to put schooling fish in a 5G. imo, you'd be better to stick with the betta, or get some snails or shrimp.
Really in a tank like that it is going to be hard to find something else as interesting as a Beta. IMO

maxwell1295 said:
I nice planted tank with some small tetras, white clouds, or a few cherry barbs would work.

Yep, I agree. 4 neons, or 4 white cloud mountain minnows would do just fine. Another option is to go with a trio of otos: they tend to be active all over and if your tank is planted you'll find them resting on the leaves, very cute! :)
I have two males and four female guppies in a five gallon tank along with two mystery snails. No fry yet but they will be put in the dwarf puffer tank when they are born :)

is it a brackish tank? I know they'd be fishfood, but it'd be pretty tortureous to throw them in a brackish tank for their few remining hours. :-(
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