bubble alage

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Manual removal is about all you can do. FWIW, it grows quite slowly, and popping the bubbles only does more damage (causing the release of spores into the water). I have a patch on a piece of liverock that I just let grow. About once a month I carefully prune it back to a small amount, and forget it. Just like with any other algae though, high nitrates and phosphate will make it grow quicker.
i been doing alot of reading on the net about this bubble alage and it seem like every where i go there are forms stating that the Mithrax sculptus crab does a great job of keeping it trimed up. though peaceful crabs they have been knew to become fish killers.
can any one else back this up.
i do have a few peices of this bubble alage on a few LR's that i have refused to place in the new aquarium till i know for shure i can keep this under control.
Emeralds are know to eat hair and bubble algae. However, I have never seen it. Best bet is manual removal.
I agree with Lando and Lindsay! If you are going to go with manual removal I suggest doing it when you are doing a PWC. If you use the syphon of your hose you can remove the algae and in case one pops you will be able to suck most of the spores out with it. That's how I get rid of the bit I have.
If you are going to move it anyway just take it out and scrub it really good with a brush in SW and rinse it good in SW and place in the new tank. That should get rid of it before you place it in the other tank.
In general, crabs can become aggressive towards fish and other critters, as they get bigger.
sweet thanks guys. will do. i am just finishing up my tank now and will be placing the rest of the LR in the aquarium in there tonight.
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